I dunno I saw and though I wanted so badly to like it, I thought it kinda dragged!
I thought the acting was great, though the ripping body parts off and stuff looked a little too edited. There were also a couple things that didn't make sense to me:
I mean I haven't read the book or anything (it is a book, right?) but the beginning made it impossible to tell what the actual facts were. I know in the trailers for the movie, the aliens explain that they are trapped on earth, but the only thing to suggest this IN the movie was that the humans cut them out of the ship.
The first 10 minutes is testimonials from Johannesburg citizens who all say that the prawns are criminals and all this junk, but you're kinda left guessing whether it's true or not because these people are prejudice (or that's the impression i got).
Also, they do what they have to to get the fuel for the mini ship, so they can fly it to the bigger one, and use that to leave earth, but after the mini ship is shot out of the air, they remote control the bigger one and just beam it up??? Why didn't they do that in the first place???
Like I said I wanted to like it, but things didn't click!