RPG Recommend me a JRPG! (Read 2223 times)

  • Ultimaweapon9
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Lunar: Silver Star Story is about as J-RPG as it gets.  You've got every single trope right there, plus anime cutscenes and hilarious voice acting.  Really fun game.

There you go.

Pick up the sequel too.
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I'm playing Final Fantasy X my friend forced me to play it and now that I playing it again I'm full on into it.In my opinion it has one of the best VIDEO GAME INTROS EVER! the one where they're playing blitz ball.
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I really dislike how the characters all act like they're made of cardboard in Final Fantasy X. Yuna and Tidus like eachother for no adequately explored reason other than Tidus being the leading male character/fighter and Yuna being the backing female character/white mage. Like this could definitely pass off as a Final Fantasy 2: Gaiden fanfiction and it would fit just fine.
I suggest FFXII, I played a bunch of that in the last month or so. Didn't think I'd like it but it is about 50 thousand zillion % better than any other FF game.
This, and while you are at it, play Vagrant Story as well. You will enjoy it.
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I really dislike how the characters all act like they're made of cardboard in Final Fantasy X. Yuna and Tidus like eachother for no adequately explored reason other than Tidus being the leading male character/fighter and Yuna being the backing female character/white mage. Like this could definitely pass off as a Final Fantasy 2: Gaiden fanfiction and it would fit just fine.

Well Yuna did know jecht  Tidus' father so maybe she felt a connection or maybe he reminded her of Jecht.Auron states on one part that they both had the same personality or at least thought the same way.

Tidus:its the right thing to do.
Auron:Jecht would always say its the right thing to do and it always meant trouble for Braska and me.
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Well Yuna did know jecht  Tidus' father so maybe she felt a connection or maybe he reminded her of Jecht.Auron states on one part that they both had the same personality or at least thought the same way.

Tidus:its the right thing to do.
Auron:Jecht would always say its the right thing to do and it always meant trouble for Braska and me.

"you...probably shouldn't laugh anymore."
keep posting...
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you guys JUUUUUUUUUST dont get it do you.......

its love at first sight, DUH.... ^^;