I don't know about men, but women have a really narrow standard of beauty these days, that I don't think anyone falls into naturally. Think about how specific most women in the media are- usually 5'5"-5'7" (5'3"-5'5" if they're an actress), no body fat on their stomach, enormous breasts, long legs with no fat, tiny shoulders and ribs, oval shaped head, high cheek bones, and then very specific ranges for the size of nose, eyes, lips. Most of those women are white, if they're not white, they're usually very pale for their race.
A lot of times, I will be sitting with friends, and even after we've been working out and feel good about ourselves, as soon as someone like this comes on tv, it's automatic to feel like you're not "quite there yet" and you have to go back to the gym, watch what you're eating etc., because of the feeling that "well, if that's not beautiful, they wouldn't put it on TV." It's terrible when people think they can achieve the media's standards of beauty by dieting and exercise etc, when in reality, most people can't naturally achieve the look without getting surgery. So they push themselves, and eventually starve or have heart attacks. Three friends of mine have suffered from eating disorders and it's terrible, but the sick part is to see people cheering them on because they "look so good" when they're killing themselves.
That being said, I don't really support surgery, but if it were someone I knew, I would rather see them have the surgery than waste away by not eating.