The AllianceControls:Left Mouse Button --- Select unit
Shift+Left Mouse Button --- Add/Remove ship from current selection
Click and Drag Left Mouse Button --- Create selection box
Right Mouse Button --- (With Ships Selected) Command unit's movement (Without, at edge of screen) Pan with mouse
Middle Button --- send a ship to a point on the Minimap
Delete --- Simulate a Middle mouse click, if your mouse lacks one
C --- Send ships on cargo runs (for Cargo ships only)
S --- Name a ship
P --- Pause
Backspace --- Restart
Arrows---Navigate the current area
Left-Click the Minimap---Automatically jump to that point in the room.
Point of the GameRight now, the only game mode available is Skirmish. All you really need to do is build your forces up and attack the enemy.
New Features:
- New Menu
- Missile Smoke has been updated
- The larger and more powerful ships belonging to the Diemicos and Anakiad are now available
- Several more features; check the included file for the complete list of updates
Screenshots - Updated: 11/05/10Planet Defenses / 'Splosions 1 / 'Splosions 2Download:Current Release --- 11/05/10Known Errors:-Neither the Tutorial, nor the Campaign are currently functional.
-Attempting to use the minimap directly after licking a structure will not always work; Double click to close the Structure's menu and grant full minimap functionality.
Fiender : Programming and Graphics
)))Blackhole((( : Graphics
Supermegames : Graphics
Omerta : Graphics
masterofhisowndomain : Graphics
myname : Graphics
meltdown studios : Graphics
Halowar77 : Programming and Graphics
Support The AlliancePut this userbar in your signature to show your support for the game!

[ url=][ IMG][/IMG][/url]
Game production is on-going. I'll be trying to release a new demo every week.
I'm planning on adding a lengthy single-player campaign and online multiplayer.
For those of you who have a facebook account, you can check out the game's page: is the official location for all Alliance news and updates. If anything is happening with the game you can learn about it first there.