That plus the LA judicial system is corrupt, the victim has forgiven him, his family has forgiven him, everyone just wants to move on man.
Art is forever, stories are engraved into the universe. Everything is a story and Polanski has taken advantage of that and despite the fact that hen is not directly helping people, or trying to get rid of AIDS in the world, he is creating a film, a story, something that will live on in our world forever.
Also I like your casual use of "movie" instead of "film" talking like film isn't a legitimate art form.
You are stupid. This isn't an argument about "FILM VS MOVIE". I don't care about that shit! FINE HE MAKES GLORIOUS
FILMS. What does this have to do with films being an artform? HE RAPED SOMEONE.
Oh, but the LA judicial system is corrupt because it convicted him of raping a 13 year old who he clearly raped? Good Christ.
Seriously, I didn't understand why so many people made fun of you until you said this:
Also I like your casual use of "movie" instead of "film" talking like film isn't a legitimate art form.
... as it's one of the dumbest points I have ever heard entered into a discussion.
Maybe not the dumbest, but dumb enough.
edit: ugh man you've won this argument by saying something so stupid that I refuse to continue