Topic: roman polanski arrested (Read 3832 times)

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psyburn is like the dumbest guy

That’s right, you have the young gaming with the old(er), white people gaming with black people, men and women, Asian countries gaming with the EU, North Americans gaming with South Americans. Much like world sporting events like the Wolrd Cup, or the Olympics will bring together different nations in friendly competition, (note the recent Asian Cup; Iraq vs. Saudi Arabia, no violence there) we come together. The differences being, we are not divided by our nationalities and we do it 24-7, and on a personal level.

We are a community without borders and without colours, the spirit and diversity of the gaming community is one that should be looked up to, a spirit and diversity other groups should strive toward.
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Would you guys feel differently if it was consensual? (statutory rape.)
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Would you guys feel differently if it was consensual? (statutory rape.)

no because it's illegal to have sex with 13 year olds for a REASON

even if the dumb 13 year old thinks it's okay as a 40 year old you are supposed to BEHAVE YOURSELF because you know it's wrong and illegal, therefore you still get to go to fuckin' jail for taking advantage of a kid
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What is the reason velfarre
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It doesn't matter if it's wrong; it's obviously fucked up.  How will the world be any better if he's jailed?
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Because it proves that no man is above the law and that money won't save you from the crimes you committed? Because it will show that there are people out there who do not tolerate predatory behavior towards woman and children regardless of the time that passes by?

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I know I sealed my neutrality at the beginning of the thread but the FREE POLANSKI cause has some truly horrible arguments on its side whereas its opponents have mostly just made dumb comparisons

and it is a really shitty argument to begin with. I think it's true that no one who's Pro Polanski Incarceration really cares about this: they only care so much to respond to your disgusting arguments for his release

personally I would have been fine if he would have stayed free to frolic around France like a stupid fucking giddy elf, but now that he got himself caught after 30 years of evading arrest I am not going to argue NO RELEASE HIM its been too long it doesnt count anymore, he served his time on his own

also I think some of you are greatly fucking overestimating this guy's artistic value. nooooooo hes in jail when he could be making more movies for my entertainment  :fogetcry:
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What makes you guys more qualified than President Sarkozy.
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sarkozy is a big fucking idiot so i'd say a lot more qualified
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nobody arguing against jailing polanski is also arguing that childrape isn't a crime. nobody here is pro-child rape as far as I know so stop fucking bringing this up. as far as I'm concerned he paid his debt to society with regards to the rape because the victim is satisfied and doesn't want to press the issue anymore. the only real reason to argue for jailing polanski is that he's a fugitive who evaded jail time.

the guy is in his mid 70s. he'll most likely be dead within the next 5 years anyway. I don't care if this makes me a bad person but, yes, I am taking his abilities as an artist into consideration. i'd rather the dude spent the last tiny bit of time he has left creating one more potentially great film than rotting away in some prison where he'll accomplish nothing and nobody who was directly involved with the original crime will feel any better.

you're all just a bunch of douchebags posting opinions on the internet. none of you really give a shit about any of this. none of you lost any sleep the past few years knowing that polanski was on the lamb and none of you will sleep any easier knowing that AHHH JUSTICE WAS SERVED AT LAST. if any of you really gave a shit about JUSTICE then I can easily point to a thousand more pressing issues where all of you are indirectly involved and none of you give a shit. the minerals used to create the computer you're staring at right now was harvested with the blood of african children so if you want to stop real injustice that affects billions of lives as we speak then start by throwing your computer in the garbage.
this is the correct answer
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sarkozy is a big fucking idiot so i'd say a lot more qualified

At least he can read
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Because it proves that no man is above the law and that money won't save you from the crimes you committed?

Oh but it does. In what world do you live.

I have the feeling this is a big whole search for righteous AMERICAN JUSTICE to be served disregarding anything else. Seriously, by the time the US actually get him out of Switzerland and the trial take place, he probably is going to be dead. Is anybody really gonna feel any better if he's in jail. The whole thing is cultural.

What makes you guys more qualified than President Sarkozy.

Dude, if Polanski goes to jail, Sarko will probably go commando and break him out himself. The little dude is crazy enough to do it.
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What makes you guys more qualified than President Sarkozy.

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nobody arguing against jailing polanski is also arguing that childrape isn't a crime. nobody here is pro-child rape as far as I know so stop fucking bringing this up. as far as I'm concerned he paid his debt to society with regards to the rape because the victim is satisfied and doesn't want to press the issue anymore. the only real reason to argue for jailing polanski is that he's a fugitive who evaded jail time.

But he raped a 13 year old girl. At the time could you imagine how traumatized she was? Sure, time cures everything but what the fuck.

brb lemme go rape an underage girl and flee the country, pay her lots of money and hope she feels better about it later.
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nobody arguing against jailing polanski is also arguing that childrape isn't a crime. nobody here is pro-child rape as far as I know so stop fucking bringing this up. as far as I'm concerned he paid his debt to society with regards to the rape because the victim is satisfied and doesn't want to press the issue anymore. the only real reason to argue for jailing polanski is that he's a fugitive who evaded jail time.

jesus the victim being satisfied has nothing to do with it, he did a crime he gets put in jail end of story

if you rape a mentally retarded person who doesn't understand what you did to them, is it okay because maybe they don't care afterwards???? no it's still rape sorry you go to jail i don't care if it took 30 years to catch you if anything that should give you more jail time because fuck you for evading the law

so what if he's 70 years old, we don't need to be spreading this idea that you can rape people as long as you run away and make good movies, it's about following through with enforcing laws and not giving people immunity from the law for ARTISTIC MERITS, this is the dumbest shit, you break a law you go to jail why does this need to be argued further?
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90% of gw should go to jail then
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and to anyone on his side: why do you NOT want him to go to jail? why would you give a shit? lock the fucker up and let him die there.
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he can do more good outside of jail than inside but that's true of a lot of people. i suppose he can probably do the most economic good
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I think the whole art of putting people in jail is not an exact science and shouldn't always be so black or white
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Because it proves that no man is above the law and that money won't save you from the crimes you committed? Because it will show that there are people out there who do not tolerate predatory behavior towards woman and children regardless of the time that passes by?

Wouldn't the effort be better spent actively trying to prevent those things rather than just proving people think it's wrong?  This seems to be a lot effort to SEND A MESSAGE, especially when you don't know if everyone will interpret the case in the same way you do, especially the people raping kids.  Besides he was already tolerated for 30 YEARS.  What kind of message does that send?