Topic: Why do people keep using rtp , rips , or someone else's material? (Read 4481 times)

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Why do people use the rpts, Rips, and other people's graphics?
Easy, they can't make their own that look good... not everybody (EI me...) has the talents to make an entire chipset or battleset... and most people can't do something to customize the sets to match other sets...
On the surface, yeah, its simple, move this here, that there...but after a short time getting everything to look right becomes a much more difficult challenge...
Sometimes it is just the lacking of tools (I only have paint, for example... down the road, not across), other times its the lacking of time, and more often then not is the lacking of skills needed to make something they want to use.
Heck, I've been trying to make a fully custom chipset, just right now its shoving its boot up my @$S, those autotiles man, they don't like me...
(Maybe I should be making a fantasy set rather then a scifi set... meh)

Also... Grammar check please... this constant stream of (i)s instead of (I)s is driving me nuts...

And personally, I prefer to play games with graphics that "look" good to me... the first impression for a game is the key point, and if the graphics are horribly done, (no shades, no color, poorly drawn... etc) usually the end project is about the same quality (if you haven't put time and effort into the graphics, then I can expect the same effort went into the story and map design, do you see where I'm coming from?)

I'd rather see the RPT graphics then see a chipset that looks like it was done in 20 minutes.
Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 03:49:00 pm by jaller141
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Hardly, sure you can make good games in makers, just like you can make pretty games with stock graphics. But either way you are constrained by the limitations of the tools you are using to some extent. The end result is entirely dependant on how you use these tools. Making an engine or graphics from scratch will always be the better option, but only if you have the skills to do it well enough, and not everyone does.

If you concider RPG Makers DBS as the engines equivalent of RTP you should see what I'm getting at.

Of course there's always limitations, the hardware you're developing on could even be a limitation, and even using a full fledged programming language you may be unable to do certain things due to lack of available hardware (Even if I could write a program that used input from a microphone doesn't mean I can use that program when I don't have a microphone).  Everything has limitations.  However, the difference between the two are this:  if you want to make a certain game, it doesn't matter whether you use C++ or RPGmaker or what have you, you can still come out with the same end result.  In fact the user doesn't even have to know how you made it, you could make the same RPG in rm2k as you can in C++, one is just easier for the creator to use.  But, and here's the huge point, using RTP or ripped graphics is going to change the end result.  I may not know whether you coded a game in C++ or rpgmaker, but I am going to know when you used a bunch of Zelda graphics.  It completely changes the way the user sees the game.  You can't make that analogy the same for both of these things.

Also I know some of you dudes are not going to be happy with me for saying this but sometimes when you aren't able to do something it means you shouldn't.  If you are good at writing music and awful at singing, then you get someone to sing for you.  You don't put out a beautiful melody with atrocious singing out there and ask everyone what they think of it, if it's just a hobby you keep this bad copy to yourself because you admitted you were bad at it and you know it's bad.  People who use RTP and rips know it's not very cool to do so, and they do it anyway instead of just finding someone who IS good (and there are a lot of these people out there who like doing sprite shit but don't have the patience or skill to do the programming bits).  If you know you're using awful junk in your game, you can't be defensive when people call you out on it being bad--you made that decision to leave it in there.
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Also I know some of you dudes are not going to be happy with me for saying this but sometimes when you aren't able to do something it means you shouldn't. If you are good at writing music and awful at singing, then you get someone to sing for you. You don't put out a beautiful melody with atrocious singing out there and ask everyone what they think of it, if it's just a hobby you keep this bad copy to yourself because you admitted you were bad at it and you know it's bad. People who use RTP and rips know it's not very cool to do so, and they do it anyway instead of just finding someone who IS good (and there are a lot of these people out there who like doing sprite shit but don't have the patience or skill to do the programming bits). If you know you're using awful junk in your game, you can't be defensive when people call you out on it being bad--you made that decision to leave it in there.

So what you're saying is, if you suck at something, don't do it? (Paraphrased)
What a defeatest additude...
We're not all born with the abilities to do things, such as sing or write music... that does not mean, however,  that we should just give up and do what we're good at...
Its like saying "If you can't draw, don't bother..." practice makes perfect, four years ago I couldn't even type 20 wpm with the hunt and peck method of entering keys... but because of practice, I'm now hitting 50 to 60 wpm... depending on if I'm not making errors and backspacing. I wouldn't have gotten to this point without that practice period.
Sure, not everyone can sing... not everyone is born with that talent... but if you spend your time practicing singing, you're eventually gonna get good at it, it might take you years, but you'll get good at it.
Yes, there's also limitations, such as tools and other items. But heck, even with MS paint, you can make a great looking sprite or tileset, but it takes time, effort, and PRACTICE (broken record... oh god, my teacher's rubbing off on me!)
You can say what you will, but the fact remains.
"If you shoot a target and miss, you'll know where you need improvement, if you don't take that shot, then you're always gonna miss"

Edit: Vell, read my post above this one... and JM, Vell beat you too...
Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 04:19:13 pm by jaller141
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Uh your argument kind of misses the point of this topic.  Of course people should practice, but the point is they're NOT, they're using rips and RTP graphics.  I'm all for people putting their own work out there and getting better at it, but that's not what this topic is about.  Instead people are putting rips in their games knowing they're dumb to use and they are not happy when other people point out what they already know--it looks awful.  It looks like you didn't even try.  If you can't be bothered to make your own, then you shouldn't just put overused shit in your game, you shouldn't be making a game if you can't be bothered with finding someone to do graphics or do them yourself.

My post was specifically for the people using RTP, I already made it clear that I enjoy handmade graphics even if they're practically stick figures.
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Also I know some of you dudes are not going to be happy with me for saying this but sometimes when you aren't able to do something it means you shouldn't.  If you are good at writing music and awful at singing, then you get someone to sing for you.  You don't put out a beautiful melody with atrocious singing out there and ask everyone what they think of it, if it's just a hobby you keep this bad copy to yourself because you admitted you were bad at it and you know it's bad.  People who use RTP and rips know it's not very cool to do so, and they do it anyway instead of just finding someone who IS good (and there are a lot of these people out there who like doing sprite shit but don't have the patience or skill to do the programming bits).  If you know you're using awful junk in your game, you can't be defensive when people call you out on it being bad--you made that decision to leave it in there.
ok i've agreed with your points so far but this is just plain wrong. someone bad at singing but still recording a song is not like someone bad at spriting using rtp or rips. The fact is if this theoretical bad singer keeps on singing his songs he will eventually get better. that is how people get good. there is no SPECIAL GENE that makes someone good at something, its practice, all practice. People ask me this when i draw something and they are like 'WOW THATS GREAT HOW COME YOUR GOOD AT DRAWING???' I would never say i'm that great at drawing, but through practice I have developed a (small) talent for drawing stuff. all my life i have been playing piano, is it a surprise I am now talented at writing songs? it is only through practice people get better. through your logic, someone learning to.... play and instrument for instance goes to take a first lesson, hears how bad he is then gives up. noone would be good at anything!

But to link this back into topic, everyone who uses RTP or rips because they say they cant sprite, is just making sure they will NEVER be good at spriting as long as they do that. If you start making games with bad graphics, you will pick up little tricks and by the time you finish you will be a better spriter, no matter how bad you were when you started. Anyone who says they haven't got the talent to make a chipset/charset is just saying that because they haven't got the talent to make an rtp-standard chipset/charset. It doesn't matter how bad something is if it is what you want, no matter how bad you think it is. I'm sure everyone, no matter how talented, sees their own work as something sub-standard to what they 'saw in their heads'. Just keep going and you'll get better, and people will appreciate the fact you took the time to put effort into your work.

EDIT: jaller posted while i was typing. damn.
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I could keep arguing that my analogy was perfectly valid but I see no point in dragging this out. Yes, obviously an entirely custom game is usually much more appealing than one that uses rips. You don't seem to understand how much extra effort and time it costs though, especially for someone who has to learn it all. That's just one of the reasons I can think of for using rips. Ever notice how many games never make it past the demo stage? This is just a hobby for most people, and the more they try to do at once the less they usually end up getting done. Sure you can get help, but finding it isn't always that simple, and you don't want to risk losing interest in the project half way when someone has already done a load of stuff for you. The list goes on. Theres plenty of perfectly good reasons to use premade materials, and if they are used right the game wont lose that much appeal. As I already pointed out, this isn't necessarily my preference since I'm not a fan of RTP or overused rips, I can understand why they get used though. To make a little point, most RM games use the DBS and yet no one seems to mind. Or are you implying that graphics alone make a game?
Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 05:28:09 pm by Maxximum
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ok i've agreed with your points so far but this is just plain wrong. someone bad at singing but still recording a song is not like someone bad at spriting using rtp or rips. The fact is if this theoretical bad singer keeps on singing his songs he will eventually get better. that is how people get good. there is no SPECIAL GENE that makes someone good at something, its practice, all practice. People ask me this when i draw something and they are like 'WOW THATS GREAT HOW COME YOUR GOOD AT DRAWING???' I would never say i'm that great at drawing, but through practice I have developed a (small) talent for drawing stuff. all my life i have been playing piano, is it a surprise I am now talented at writing songs? it is only through practice people get better. through your logic, someone learning to.... play and instrument for instance goes to take a first lesson, hears how bad he is then gives up. noone would be good at anything!

But to link this back into topic, everyone who uses RTP or rips because they say they cant sprite, is just making sure they will NEVER be good at spriting as long as they do that. If you start making games with bad graphics, you will pick up little tricks and by the time you finish you will be a better spriter, no matter how bad you were when you started. Anyone who says they haven't got the talent to make a chipset/charset is just saying that because they haven't got the talent to make an rtp-standard chipset/charset. It doesn't matter how bad something is if it is what you want, no matter how bad you think it is. I'm sure everyone, no matter how talented, sees their own work as something sub-standard to what they 'saw in their heads'. Just keep going and you'll get better, and people will appreciate the fact you took the time to put effort into your work.

I think that I presented myself wrong on this, probably because I'm sick and can't think clearly, but I meant it like this:  the person is not willing to improve themselves, like you said here:

But to link this back into topic, everyone who uses RTP or rips because they say they cant sprite, is just making sure they will NEVER be good at spriting as long as they do that.

Which I agree 100% with.  So, given this type of person (which this topic is about), it is better for them to not use their half-assed attempt (i.e. rips), and instead find someone else who can do this for them.  I didn't mean for this to apply to EVERYONE, this only applies to this type of person who is not TRYING to improve themselves.  They aren't willing to, and given their two options left they choose the worse one out of laziness.

edit: also

You don't seem to understand how much extra effort and time it costs though, especially for someone who has to learn it all.

get over it!!!! if you want to make a good game you've got to put IN that extra effort and time, otherwise don't be upset when people think your rip-filled game is dumb.  I mean, when you were born nobody promised you guys that you would be able to make games, this is why so many awful games are made because people don't realize that it takes A REALLY LONG TIME to make a good game.  It takes years for professional teams to make good games, how much longer do you think it takes for an individual or handful of people to make one?  If this is what you want to do, then you do it.  Sorry that it takes time and effort that most people can't find, but that's just how it is.  Building furniture takes more time and effort than I'm willing to put into, so I don't do it.  But, people that are passionate about these things FIND the time.  That's just life man.  None of us were ever guaranteed the chance to make a game, that's all on your shoulders when you decide to make one.  You can't use that as an excuse to lower your standards.
Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 05:31:48 pm by Velfarre
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You do realise that most of the popular games on this forum are "rip filled" right? That's not really my point though. I think I've said this in every post already, but personally I preffer originality too. However, I do understand that not everyone wants to make the next Final Fantasy, a lot of the time its just a matter of releasing some pent up creative energy while gaining a sense of accomplishment.
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if you guys put as much effort into making graphics for your games as you are arguing why you're too lazy to do time rpgmaker sprites then ... I'm too lazy, this sentence can finish itself, and without the need of stealing lines from a commercial game.
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if you guys put as much effort into making graphics for your games as you are arguing why you're too lazy to do time rpgmaker sprites then ... I'm too lazy, this sentence can finish itself, and without the need of stealing lines from a commercial game.
this tickled me.

@velfarre - yeah after reading your post just above mine i think i see what you meant to say. we cool now, k?
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yeah, we cool bro, it's hard to focus when your head is full of snot so i had a hard time getting my point across correctly  :welp:
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You do realise that most of the popular games on this forum are "rip filled" right?
Noooooo, they will tear you down right here. Because how many of these popular games are actually popular outside of this forum or RM in general?

I think the problem really isn't too much with rips or whatever. The problem is the RM community is known for not doing much and wait for their resources to come to them. They've taken from the same pool of resources for way too many years (seriously you still go to charas project and use bobthetaco rips for the 2k3 users), and scripts from other users to make their games. It's become so bad that we can all point out exactly where each resource came from. It's like having bag full of candy. It's nice at first to have all of these resources here, but you're not ever going to get new candy if you keep searching in that bag, and all of your games will taste the same.


But yeah give your game a spark. The Way, Sunset Over Imdahl, Exit Fate, and a bunch others are popular for their spark of originality. Don't settle for what's just available to you.

This topic was a fun read. :fogetcool:
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Because we aren't profesionals. We don't own game companies. We are not employeed by game companies.

We don't do this for a living, it is a HOBBY.

This is a biased answer because I've used rtp before, but i've used it well.  I've used rips before, but i've used them well.  I've taken the time out to rip them myself, tweak them, etc.  However, I've also made plenty of original graphics, and I found it not to be any more time consuming than using rips.

And the fact that many people who make games are single person creators, each person has strengths and weaknesses.  If you work on a production team, you can get the finished product you want more readily than when you're by yourself.  Pick your favorite commercial game, how many times do you see the writer also make the graphics?  None, because that's not in their list of strengths, otherwise you end up with a crappy game.

I'm glad neophyte brought up sunset over imdahl.  That game is superb graphics, made by a designer who had superb graphical capability.  In effect, he tailored the game to his other strengths, which was story-telling etc., not designing fights or other aspects of gaming.  Many of us just wanted to  make a finished product knowing what we like and dont like in games.  IMO, using rips takes nothing away unless the finished product is crappy.
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I think the problem really isn't too much with rips or whatever. The problem is the RM community is known for not doing much and wait for their resources to come to them. They've taken from the same pool of resources for way too many years (seriously you still go to charas project and use bobthetaco rips for the 2k3 users), and scripts from other users to make their games. It's become so bad that we can all point out exactly where each resource came from. It's like having bag full of candy. It's nice at first to have all of these resources here, but you're not ever going to get new candy if you keep searching in that bag, and all of your games will taste the same.


this was actually one of the better analogies of the topic tbh, at least it compared the right things

IMO, using rips takes nothing away unless the finished product is crappy.

unfortunately most of the people who aren't willing to do their own graphics and/or find someone to do the graphics aren't making good games anyway, so it's more like the rips/rtp are a sign that "hey guys i didn't put enough time into this overall"

it's not a 100% thing but more often than not that's what you're going to find!


Noooooo, they will tear you down right here. Because how many of these popular games are actually popular outside of this forum or RM in general?

This is true too.  The problem with looking for critique among other gamemakers (especially when it comes to rm2k) is that they will be comparing your game to theirs.  If it's better than what they have, you have an awesome game.  This means almost everyone is going to get praise from someone.  A lot of these games aren't going to be seen as being so good among people who have nothing to do with gamemaking, and will be comparing your game to other games they've played.  When your game is popular among both groups, then maybe that would mean something but I can't remember the last time someone told me "hey check out this rtp game, so cool".
Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 09:44:55 pm by Velfarre
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yeah, there is also a massive element of the fact the usually people who use the rtp or rips are actually just bad at making games.
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It's topics like these that make me believe that the entire RM community is all talk no action.

I used RTP/rips because it suited my goals.  I purposely refrained from making my goals overly ambitious because that would be time consuming for my fun little side hobby.  I enjoyed making it and I finished it - so my goal was met.  The fact that people have played my couple of games AND enjoyed themselves is an awesome bonus.

So, did I lower my expectations and standards to reach my goal?  You bet.  But I reached my goal.  Now that I have that under my belt I can try bigger and better things.  It's not always all or nothing.

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If you know you're using awful junk in your game, you can't be defensive when people call you out on it being bad--you made that decision to leave it in there.

Thing is, a lot of these custom graphics ARE awful junk.  Using somewhat similar-looking web-downloaded graphics from different artists doesn't look nearly as much like awful junk as some of the custom graphics that have been posted in this thread.

I agree on the hatred of RTP.  Use of RTP, DBS, and DMS, are just like poor mapping, bad game design, etc., they reek of being a beginner.  But web resources were put there to be used, look as good as they can look with the 16-bit limitations, don't come default with the game, and there is no given web resource that's used in a ton of games.

Personally, I give no extra respect to games for using custom graphics.  All I care about is how the graphics look, not who made them.

This is exactly the same as composing your own game music vs downloading music from the web (can't call that a bad analogy).  Downloading music from the web is perfectly fine (and in most cases ideal, imo), most game makers can't compose their own music without it being awful and making the game awful.
Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 10:43:36 pm by Lackeos
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stealing awesome artwork is less desirable than drawing your own IN EVERY CASE. Being creative is awesome and making games should be a creative outlet. If you don't bother making some graphics, use a default basic RPG TEMPLATE and have a 14 year old's English class story as a plot I don't see what benefit you've served anyone.

Lackeos you are pretty much a grade-A dickhead because if you really think the hand-drawn graphics here are "awful junk" and would be below a game using ripped graphics and music then  you are an idiot.

Personally, I give no extra respect to games for using custom graphics.  All I care about is how the graphics look, not who made them.
You make me sad. How could you ever feel this way? How does it begin to make sense? No please, explain to me how this broken and idiotic logic manifests itself in your dim and shoddy neurons and how it comes off to you like a good idea or good thing to say? You really think that somebody taking the time and energy to create graphics, even if they suck, deserves no merit and would actually make you want to play a game LESS than if they had all the generic MAC & BLUE and CHRONO TRIGGER ooooh SEIKEN DENSETSU 3 RIPS NYCE?? Do you see how you are at best an idiot and at worst a feverishly horrible person?
Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 10:48:30 pm by Gabriel
yes coulombs are "germaine", did you learn that word at talk like a dick school?
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Lackeos you are pretty much a grade-A dickhead because if you really think the hand-drawn graphics here are "awful junk" and would be below a game using ripped graphics and music then  you are an idiot.

They are pretty awful.  They look worse than pretty much any game I've paid to play since the Super Nintendo came out.  Using somebody elses' graphics in all likelihood results in graphics superior to the likes of FF4, on par with FF6.  Essentially, some of the hand drawn graphics that have been posted would result in a game that people outside this forum wouldn't want to play, and a lot of web resources could be used to make games that people outside this forum would want to play.  Holding everything to be equal, I would sooner play a game whose graphics were downloaded from an RPG Maker resource site than I would play a game with ugly custom graphics.
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They are pretty awful.  They look worse than pretty much any game I've paid to play since the Super Nintendo came out.  Using somebody elses' graphics in all likelihood results in graphics superior to the likes of FF4, on par with FF6.  Essentially, some of the hand drawn graphics that have been posted would result in a game that people outside this forum wouldn't want to play, and a lot of web resources could be used to make games that people outside this forum would want to play.  Holding everything to be equal, I would sooner play a game whose graphics were downloaded from an RPG Maker resource site than I would play a game with ugly custom graphics.
I'd rather make a game that nobody played that I can call a product of myself. Isn't the whole point of being an independent developer the fact that you don't have to worry about pleasing an audience?