Topic: Why do people keep using rtp , rips , or someone else's material? (Read 4481 times)

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I'd rather make a game that nobody played that I can call a product of myself. Isn't the whole point of being an independent developer the fact that you don't have to worry about pleasing an audience?

Apparently we each define our own point of being an independent developer.  For me, the point is to try my best to please an audience, however limited I might be at it.
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stealing awesome artwork is less desirable than drawing your own IN EVERY CASE. Being creative is awesome and making games should be a creative outlet. If you don't bother making some graphics, use a default basic RPG TEMPLATE and have a 14 year old's English class story as a plot I don't see what benefit you've served anyone.

Lackeos you are pretty much a grade-A dickhead because if you really think the hand-drawn graphics here are "awful junk" and would be below a game using ripped graphics and music then  you are an idiot.
You make me sad. How could you ever feel this way? How does it begin to make sense? No please, explain to me how this broken and idiotic logic manifests itself in your dim and shoddy neurons and how it comes off to you like a good idea or good thing to say? You really think that somebody taking the time and energy to create graphics, even if they suck, deserves no merit and would actually make you want to play a game LESS than if they had all the generic MAC & BLUE and CHRONO TRIGGER ooooh SEIKEN DENSETSU 3 RIPS NYCE?? Do you see how you are at best an idiot and at worst a feverishly horrible person?

I agree with everything said here.  I guess I was too caught up in the more technical aspects of this topic but jesus you're right, it DOES make me sad that someone would prefer the same awful rips over someone who tried drawing their own graphics.  When I was a kid playing with RPGMaker for the PSX I made an awful stick figure in my game and I felt so much better about him than any of the built in characters I made.  It's sad to think that people would frown upon someone GIVING A SHIT.
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Essentially, some of the hand drawn graphics that have been posted would result in a game that people outside this forum wouldn't want to play, and a lot of web resources could be used to make games that people outside this forum would want to play.

this is a fair comment though because the indie games community as a whole has always preferred stolen professional graphics to ones that have been thrown together by imaginative amateahahahaha
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Lackeos you are pretty much a grade-A dickhead because if you really think the hand-drawn graphics here are "awful junk" and would be below a game using ripped graphics and music then  you are an idiot.
You make me sad. How could you ever feel this way? How does it begin to make sense? No please, explain to me how this broken and idiotic logic manifests itself in your dim and shoddy neurons and how it comes off to you like a good idea or good thing to say? You really think that somebody taking the time and energy to create graphics, even if they suck, deserves no merit and would actually make you want to play a game LESS than if they had all the generic MAC & BLUE and CHRONO TRIGGER ooooh SEIKEN DENSETSU 3 RIPS NYCE?? Do you see how you are at best an idiot and at worst a feverishly horrible person?

Because making a bad product is bad.  If Publix, Wal-Mart, etc. sold brand name milk, and some local market sold milk they produced themselves, that had cow hair in the bottles and was perhaps a little sour, I'd buy Publix milk.  If a band did a good cover of a song, or sampled somebody else's music and it sounded good, I'd listen to that far sooner than I'd listen to original music that was bad.  If you have a good movie remake like Ocean's Eleven, I'd sooner watch that than an awful movie.  If one movie has an originally composed soundtrack, and another movie has a soundtrack composed of pre-existing songs, does it make a difference?  I mean, there's movies like Conan The Barbarian and Edward Scissorhands that have awesome original soundtracks, and there's movies like Garden State that have awesome unoriginal soundtracks.  You ask how I can be this way, but this is actually the default condition, to favor quality.

Based on the graphics, I'd sooner play,33309.0.html than,34403.0.html.  One is obviously ripped graphics, one is obviously original graphics.  I choose option A.

By the way, nice large collection of insults.  I guess there's really no rules here.

When I was a kid playing with RPGMaker for the PSX I made an awful stick figure in my game and I felt so much better about him than any of the built in characters I made.  It's sad to think that people would frown upon someone GIVING A SHIT.

Yeah, I've drawn a stick figure in iDraw.  Suppose I made a game with web resources and another game with stick figures.  If this thread was never created and we never had these disagreements, there's no way you'd like the stick figure game more than the web resources game.  The stick figure game would be the game graphics equivalent of The Blair Witch Project.

But to link this back into topic, everyone who uses RTP or rips because they say they cant sprite, is just making sure they will NEVER be good at spriting as long as they do that. If you start making games with bad graphics, you will pick up little tricks and by the time you finish you will be a better spriter, no matter how bad you were when you started. Anyone who says they haven't got the talent to make a chipset/charset is just saying that because they haven't got the talent to make an rtp-standard chipset/charset. It doesn't matter how bad something is if it is what you want, no matter how bad you think it is. I'm sure everyone, no matter how talented, sees their own work as something sub-standard to what they 'saw in their heads'. Just keep going and you'll get better, and people will appreciate the fact you took the time to put effort into your work.

It seems to me that a person can still practice their spriting skills while releasing games without original graphics.  I agree that most RPG makers (unless they never work solo) should practice their spriting skills, and not resign to being permanently poor spriters.  But if a programmer is practicing his/her spriting on the side, it doesn't mean he/she needs to release games with his/her unrefined spriting graphics in the mean time, or shouldn't be allowed to release games with unoriginal graphics in the mean time.

I think the problem really isn't too much with rips or whatever. The problem is the RM community is known for not doing much and wait for their resources to come to them. They've taken from the same pool of resources for way too many years (seriously you still go to charas project and use bobthetaco rips for the 2k3 users), and scripts from other users to make their games. It's become so bad that we can all point out exactly where each resource came from. It's like having bag full of candy. It's nice at first to have all of these resources here, but you're not ever going to get new candy if you keep searching in that bag, and all of your games will taste the same.

You feel that people keep using candy from the bag and don't bother contributing any new candy, and you think that's bad, and I basically agree.  However, what's the novelty of contributing new candy to the bag, if other people can't use it?  You know, like if I make or edit a charset / chipset, and it doesn't suck, I want other people to feel free to use it also.  The thing is, if we have this new movement of "nobody is allowed to use other peoples' resources," then people would feel like they shouldn't use my contribution.  Then what's the novelty of contributing the new candy?  I think it'd be ideal if people both borrowed and contributed.
Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 12:29:15 am by Lackeos
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use a default basic RPG TEMPLATE and have a 14 year old's English class story as a plot

Actually, if the story is kiddy like that, I don't mind graphics being stickfigure-like.

thecatamites, you do realise Lackeos is also talking of RPGMaker resources presented on Japanese resource websites, right? Which are distributed for others to use for no cost. Is using those resources just as worse as using ripped resources?

I understand where you're coming from; if every game were made with custom resources, you'd get a much more varied scene. On the other hand, like Lackeos, I am none too fond of stickfigure-esque graphics in a game that wants to be serious. (I'm a lot less picky on games that are explicitly meant to be kiddy, or very light-hearted in nature)

In the end, those who cannot draw graphics of the level they'd like immediately (I believe anyone can make great things if they work at it) are more prone to grab existing resources because they are readily available, and you don't first spend one or two years honing your spritearts in order to appeal to a select group of people. In the end, as someone else said, being an independant developer means you don't really need to appeal to an audience.

In much the same way as others would make the conscious decision to create a game with offputting custom graphics solely for the sake of feeling more satisfied about that, others are satisfied enough with completing a visually appealing (YMMV) game composed of ripped or readily available resources which is also faster to appeal to a broader range of the gamemaking community. The former obviously has some legal implications, but the latter method has none of that and has been employed quite a number of times to build acceptable games with.

Being patronising towards others who disagree with you, or even going so far as to look down on them is a very sad way to argue your point of view. Was the intent of this thread to discuss an issue honestly, or propagandise your beliefs and bash anyone who disagreed?
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On the whole "Anyone who doesn't make custom graphics is too lazy/stupid/unable to create their own." comment... There's also another option of "someone who just doesn't give a flying fuck about custom graphics." Honestly, whenever I see custom graphics, battle systems, or menu systems, it actually PUTS ME OFF from playing that game, mainly custom graphics as most that I've seen are overly-bright, colorful eyesores. I'm not saying ALL games, but if the main programming focus of your game is "Check it out, you can use items in a system that would run smoother had I just stayed with the basics!", then what the hell are you using RPG Maker for?

Though I am curious, where did this "RTP is horrible no matter what, and it shows that you're just some lazy, stupid 9 year old for using it" bullshit start? Have there honestly not been enough games that use RTP good to justify using it?
Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 12:40:25 am by Corfaisus
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Using RPGMaker shows you're too lazy to use anything else to make more interesting games and therefor your game should just be avoided anyway

So this argument is totally pointless one way or the other

If you take the time to make custom systems or graphics, you may aswell take the time to use a better, more flexible engine

The best rpgmaker games are the one with custom music/graphics because then at least you can appreciate the effort put into them, while you lament the effort(or lack of) into making a game on something that terrible
Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 12:44:50 am by Mr. L
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On the whole "Anyone who doesn't make custom graphics is too lazy/stupid/unable to create their own." comment... There's also another option of "someone who just doesn't give a flying fuck about custom graphics." Honestly, whenever I see custom graphics, battle systems, or menu systems, it actually PUTS ME OFF from playing that game, mainly custom graphics as most that I've seen are overly-bright, colorful eyesores. I'm not saying ALL games, but if the main programming focus of your game is "Check it out, you can use items in a system that would run smoother had I just stayed with the basics!", then what the hell are you using RPG Maker for?

Though I am curious, where did this "RTP is horrible no matter what, and it shows that you're just some lazy, stupid 9 year old for using it" bullshit start? Have there honestly not been enough games that use RTP good to justify using it?

Well, someone loves Alex the rtp hero.
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Personally, I don't really care where graphics come from as long as they're used well.  The stigma of ripped/default graphics is simply that if the creator is slacking in the graphics department, he is most-likely slacking in other departments, as well.  It's a giant red flag for anyone who hasn't been following a project for any length of time.

Quote from: Corfaisus
Though I am curious, where did this "RTP is horrible no matter what, and it shows that you're just some lazy, stupid 9 year old for using it" bullshit start? Have there honestly not been enough games that use RTP good to justify using it?


Quote from: Mr.
Using RPGMaker shows you're too lazy to use anything else to make more interesting games and therefor your game should just be avoided anyway
Quote from: Mr.
while you lament the effort(or lack of) into making a game on something that terrible

Someone isn't very handy with RPG Maker, I take it.
Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 01:17:41 am by Mineyl
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Someone isn't very handy with RPG Maker, I take it.

Handy enough to know anything that looks half interesting in rpgmaker would be better on something else
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Man this topic is hilarious because you are fervidly debating each other but you are all essentially right. It is impossible to declare whether using rips is wrong or not or whether or not you should put thought into your projects, because for some people it is a lax outlet and for some it is a dead serious hobby. It really depends on the mindset of the creator and the purpose of his or her games.

A game's quality can pretty safely be measured in its popularity, and if the creator doesn't even care about exposure then we don't really have any reason to complain about shitty jRPGs or whatever, because they will die in obscurity anyway. Everyone is happy!!
Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 01:10:31 am by Drule
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Handy enough to know anything that looks half interesting in rpgmaker would be better on something else

I'm quite curious as to how you would make an RPG "better" over a format that is specifically designed for the genre.
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I'm quite curious as to how you would make an RPG "better" over a format that is specifically designed for the genre.

By using something more flexible ?
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By using something more flexible ?

You misunderstand.  What are the specific improvements?
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I'm quite curious as to how you would make an RPG "better" over a format that is specifically designed for the genre.

Well the fact is, RPG Maker is somewhat limited.  What I've been coming to learn is that quite a good many of its limitations can be overcome if you're very savvy.  (In RM2K for example) There's patches to overcome the "Enter Hero Name" command that doesn't work, to increase the limited amount of pictures you can show, to enable MP3's rather than just MIDI's, etc..  But even so, when using an actual programming language like java, there's absolutely no limitations.  For example, you aren't limited to 16-bit graphics.  You can do actual 3-D stuff, instead of artificial 2.5-D.  You can do object-oriented programming, which is awesome (I wish I could provide an example where this would be useful, the best I can think of is cloning events).  You can use databases instead of inefficient checking of hundreds of fork conditions.  You can perform any task with the minimum amount of code (which is hard to explain, but suffice to say that it's very inefficient to program certain features in an RPG Maker, and inefficiency causes unnecessary, albeit minor lag).  Also, the placement of events in RPG Makers is in accordance with a grid system, whereas in java or something you can place anything anywhere, between grid spaces or otherwise.  Obviously the list goes on, but that's what I could come up with on short notice.

The strength of RPG Maker isn't its efficiency or its unlimited options.  It's the dramatic improvement in how easy it is to make the game, especially the visual aspects.  You can make a better game without RPG Maker (in the technical and gameplay departments, not story-wise), though it might take several more years.  Despite all of this, I'd rather use an RPG Maker than java.

But none of this is very relevant.  What's relevant is just the fact that it's yet another analogy that's been brought-up in this debate.  "Why use pre-existing graphics that someone else toiled to create, when you can do it the harder, but more personal way and create your own graphics from scratch," was meant to be analogous to "Why make a game with an RPG Maker that somebody else toiled to create, so that RPG-making would be easier for you, when you can do it the harder, but more personal way and program the game from scratch."  It's a fair analogy, but a little extreme.  I mean, the default argument would be "If you shun using borrowed graphics, then your games better not use the DBS, or the DMS, or borrowed music, or a rehashed plot, or anything else that's unoriginal / borrowed / default."  To say "Why not just use a real programming language" is the much more extreme version of that argument.
Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 02:33:03 am by Lackeos
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Man this topic is hilarious because you are fervidly debating each other but you are all essentially right. It is impossible to declare whether using rips is wrong or not or whether or not you should put thought into your projects, because for some people it is a lax outlet and for some it is a dead serious hobby. It really depends on the mindset of the creator and the purpose of his or her games.

A game's quality can pretty safely be measured in its popularity, and if the creator doesn't even care about exposure then we don't really have any reason to complain about shitty jRPGs or whatever, because they will die in obscurity anyway. Everyone is happy!!

This is the best point. But I like that people can be so passionate about how to handle these issues for when they peruse the hobby. It's a surprisingly personal task to any person who does it, no matter how lax they treat it, nor how it's successes are measured.

I'm from the camp that if your game needs __________, but you aren't going to make an effort to learn to do ________ yourself, then you have an obligation to what you create to get it done by someone who knows what they are doing. For instance, in the case in which I knew I couldn't afford someone to make custom graphics for my game, I would still find someone who regularly draws sprites (who would be willing to take less time than making the graphics from scratch) to pick out the rtp/prefabricated graphics that would go in my game. This is because they have work they can attest to, that I can see and trust my judgement to when it comes to how the game I want to create will best be viewed. It is not impossible for a game to be made with reconstituted graphics in good taste. The problem with it only arises because it turns out to be the only development outlet available for all the people with no practice or talent for using graphics to use graphics when fulfilling their desire to make a game.
It would be presumptuous of anyone to know and expect what look best suits their game if they have no intention of learning/knowing the medium that their game uses to communicate visuals. It would be pointless for them to use graphics other people used for another game, because they themselves cannot even prove they know exactly how they want their game to look in the first place. If you are not a graphics person, then don't be a graphics person. It's really as simple as that.
Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 03:38:28 am by EvilDemonCreature
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Though I understand your sentiments, Lackeos, the majority of what you've outlined deal with simple preferences rather than actual improvements over RM2k/3, which uses a specific format that works more than adequately with homebrew RPG creations.

I'm from the camp that if your game needs __________, but you aren't going to make an effort to learn to do ________ yourself, then you have an obligation to what you create to get it done by someone who knows what they are doing.

Agreed, good sir.  I believe such a quote is sig-worthy.
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Yeah, asking for help making sprites or music or whatever is all well and good - its getting the work done that's near-impossible.  Other than general reliability issues surrounding the work, you need a "rep" to even get people to consider doing custom sprites/edits for you.  Kids come in all the time asking for "I needs a spriter and a music guy and a mapper and 3 beta testers" and they are often slammed and told to "show us what ya got before I will even consider this", I guess if you really want to break in you end up using pre-made rips or RTP.

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That may be true a lot of the time, but there's no reason someone couldn't do a lot of work on their game before asking for the custom graphics.  That's what placeholders are for.  People just want to know their work isn't going into a dead project, if you have the solid foundation of a game minus the graphics, you can find someone to help out.
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You're aware that it is possible to edit ripped material to fit their own needs, right? It is done quite often, actually.

As far as using ripped media, It isn't an ideal solution for anyone involved; it is only done to circumvent a limitation. If done poorly; will make the game look like a crappy scrap book. If done properly, can make the game look great; ripped or not. To some, it can even be a means to an end : IE - making a game using rips well to get one's name some exposure.
Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 02:36:29 am by NightBlade