Demo The Lost Demo (Read 138 times)

  • Avatar of ACP
  • Group: Member
  • Joined: Nov 26, 2005
  • Posts: 1
EDIT---> I just noticed the "rare games" topic which would of been appropriate for this. Its 5 in the morning though, forigive me v.v

A few years back I use to work on a few rm2k3 projects. Every time I'd get half way through them and something would happen to where I would end up losing all my data. Out of about 4 projects, there were two that actually made their way onto the web in demo form. They weren't great, believe me, but one of them I really put a lot of time into and I would really love to see it again and play it through and maybe even continue with the project. Surely with the skills I have now I could definitely improve it.

The project was titled "Lost Tales of Emperous" and I had a progress thread on this site for it which doesn't seem to exist anymore. I tried checking a few places from which I remembered uploading it such as turboupload and myfilehut (which sadly, no longer exists) and can't find anything. I can't remember my account for turboupload but I can't even be too sure that they didn't delete it cause its been so long.

It would mean a lot to me if someone could help lead me to this personal treasure. Any advice or questions are welcome.

Here's all I remember:
My game site -
There's a bunch of information there about it and one download link that I tried, but apparently doesn't work.
There are other download links that I know were on the thread, but not on the site. The site isn't entirely up to date with the project either.

The download link was:
The file name should be the same for all other download links.

Any and all help is appreciated :)
Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 12:50:31 pm by ACP
On vacation...