Food the f word (Read 1811 times)

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so, yeah, just saw the new south park episode ( ). it's about the word fag.

ever since i was little, growing up in the suburbs of denver (Littleton, just like matt and trey, actually.) the word fag meant "jerk" or "stupid head" and stuff like that. wasn't until like, 6th grade when somebody told me that it's a derogatory word for gay people.

so what do you guys think of the word fag. or gay, for that matter. i say stuff is gay all the time. it doesn't really occur to me that somebody might take offense to it, but if someone DOES take offense to these words, i'd respect that and wouldn't say it around them.

i dunno. what do you guys think? do you call dane cook gay or think that bill o'reilley is a total fag?
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i think people get way too uptight about language.  i mean it's one thing when people call people niggers, because that is a word that is p. much exclusively used as hate speech.  however, people use 'gay' to mean dumb or bad without any intention of aligning it with homosexuals.  i think the only thing that matters is intent, if you aren't saying gay in a hateful way what does it matter?

we use "going postal" to refer to going crazy all the time but i don't see postal workers launching ad campaigns about it
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i am annoyed by the controversy because homosex is inherently lame. imagine two dude kissing each other lovingly and bumping their dicks together. sorry homos, sodomy is ridiculous
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we use "going postal" to refer to going crazy all the time but i don't see postal workers launching ad campaigns about it
fff this is obviously why they are on strike and have to go all the way to small heath to get my ticket THANKS A LOT INSENSITIVE PEOPLE
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I know climbtree doesn't have topic editing powers anymore but I could swear this was his work

i am annoyed by the controversy because homosex is inherently lame. imagine two dude kissing each other lovingly and bumping their dicks together. sorry homos, sodomy is ridiculous
p queers are better than str
Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 04:34:30 am by eatmygore
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i immediately lose respect for someone who has such poor faculty with the english language that they'd feel the need to use a legitimately derogatory remark in such a way. to me, it's a sign of poor character when people habitually use genuinely offensive words and honestly mean it as a BAD THING. i don't care if it doesn't apply to me, it's still a sign of insensitivity and an indication that the person you're talking to doesn't put a lot of thought into what they're saying.

another one i thought was pretty ignorant was THAT'S SO GHETTO, although this appears to be dying in use. karl marx would have strangled these motherfuckers.

actually, i need to work more on phasing the word RETARD out of my vocabulary entirely, because i use it sometimes to describe otherwise normal people who are unable to function at acceptable human levels(john woo is hardcore sufferer of this condition). neanderthal is a more appropriate word, and i've found myself using it OFTEN.

i want to also note that the phrase YOU ARE SO FUCKING WHITE is perfectly acceptable. white people are the cause of every wrong thing in the known universe and deserve as much ridicule as possible.
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we use "going postal" to refer to going crazy all the time but i don't see postal workers launching ad campaigns about it

Nice insight.
Good work.
Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 09:32:34 am by Haunted-House
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i want to also note that the phrase YOU ARE SO FUCKING WHITE is perfectly acceptable. white people are the cause of every wrong thing in the known universe and deserve as much ridicule as possible.

i unironically agree. fuck whities.
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how else would I refer to my smokes?

I've been trying to get gay and fag out of my vocabulary but I'm so college brah it's really hard because they slip and I feel like the worst person. I don't use them in public though, only in the exclusive company of friends.

Also, in the line of offensive terms being used casually, my name apparently used to be a hate word referring to Jews which I think is hilarious
edit: I like to believe my parents were fully aware of that fact when they named me
don't mind me, just postin' after a few brewskies
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I guess my biggest problem with the anti 'gay = dumb' campaign is that they spent all that time and money to get Wanda Sykes to do commercials about not calling dumb things gay when they could have been, idk, fighting for the rights of gay couples to get married and/or adopt kids???  Gays have way worse problems at the moment to be targeting a bunch of preteens that don't hate gays and just say things without thinking about them.  Why not target the people that actually DO have something against gays instead of dumb kids?  These commercials just seemed like a huge waste of time and money arguing over WORDS.
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I don't think they necessarily have to devote everything to one cause. this is something they can actually change with some effort. not to say the commercials actually work or anything

dont think I dont remember when yall were still calling people huge faggots ya bunch of lousy slugs
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you're a huge faggot

isn't that a gw meme?
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sort of I guess, I remember some guys had like a philosophy behind it. but it happens anywhere you have stupid young people gathered on the internet. I did it too for a little while
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there are only a few words i think are actually inappropriate, nigger and queer being the big ones.

really i think its such a trivial thing that making an issue of it will probably do more lasting damage. like faggot can be a hurtful word to some people but anybody with any shred of intelligence knows when it's not being used in a hurtful way.

btw are words like retard and faggot part of slang in europe too? i don't feel like bothering to look up where you guys are all from but for some reason i had always thought britain and such had a different set of curse words
is bloody still a bad word?
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you can try to justify the use of all of these words like fag and retard and whatever but why the heck would you ever want to take a position like that? I mean unless you are a total idiot you can't deny two things: using these terms is likely to offend some and make others think you are a fool, and these words are still used in their derogatory sense enough that you can't brush it off. the only thing you can say is that people will understand you mean them in a different way but what a lazy way to talk to people! i don't know why people put so much effort into defending a really stupid bad habit.

i think at one time i said 'that's gay' and things when i was young, but i definitely never say it now because that kind of crud just ISN'T gonna cut it, smell what i'm cookin?

I honestly don't hear it that much anymore off the internet (because i now live among adults) so when I do it sticks out, and it always makes me think 'whoah. this person doesn't get it!'.
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IDK, there are times when one WANTS to be offensive. When one wants to say FUCK YOU. Though usually only to one particular person... usually not a whole group/set of people.

There are words I don't USE because I recognize them as culturally offensive words. but at the same time I view them as JUST words. Words that can be said with out physically harming anyone. Words that if said in a different context can be used in a non-vulgar/offensive sense.

I don't use the words, but not because I think its wrong to just say the word (in all contexts, as well as no context), but because other people do, and I avoid the words in respect to them and as a way to avoid pissing people off and making them hate me.

A lot of words that are considered offensive now used to be perfectly ok words though... like midget, or retard, or moron. In fact, they were considered proper words to use. They weren't made to be offensive, they became offensive because people used them as insults. and this will always happen. It wouldn't surprise me if eventually "mentally handicapped" became just offensive as "retarded" is now.

Also, on a related note the ThinkB4YouSPeak ads seem so painfully out of touch that they make me want to use the words "fag" and "gay".

You know they're only words man.
You know they're only words man.

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you can try to justify the use of all of these words like fag and retard and whatever but why the heck would you ever want to take a position like that?

i need to go ahead and clarify here that i'm not.  i'm not justifying these words at all as being OKAY WORDS TO SAY i'm just saying that 99% of the time there is no hate behind them and it's usually just dumb kids who don't think about it, not angry bigots who hate homosexuals.  of course people shouldn't say them, but you don't need to spend dumb amounts of money to hire wanda sykes to do commercials about not calling things gay in a bad sense when gays have WAY WORSE PROBLEMS at the moment.  It's like if blacks had been fighting against people calling them niggers during segregation--sure it's a small part of the same problem, but you kind of need to be tackling the big one!  calling things 'gay' as dumb, kind of like warpped655 said, go out of style.  however larger social issues don't just fade away.  why not take care of the big problems that won't go away by just waiting a few years for a new youth culture to show up?

the commercials weren't even dealing with the word faggot, which is a million times the more offensive one than gay (and less people use faggot without hate behind it than gay).  why would you bother making these ads?  the only people who i've seen take notice of these ads are people who already believed in its message, it's a huge waste of resources for a group who has bigger problems
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Just posting to say the episode sucked.
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Of course it did.  I would have assumed so until proven otherwise.
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i think retard is way more offensive than gay or faggot. i should start to drown that from my vocab.