Topic: Shakespeare Translator (Read 10046 times)

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pay Terrorantula to do it.

i wish you were writing a love note in it.
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Quote from: Skellyton
If you can't write this game without some awful converter program that wouldn't work properly even if it existed, and your game is full of fake old english shit, your game wasn't going to be very good anyway.
How can you know that? I never showed anything of it so far...

And once again: I wanted to use normal English sentences, but with the old words instead of the new one. So the sentences would be gramatically correct (mostly, depends on my English skills), but with some old words instead of today's words.

But whatever: Leave that to me. I just want you to give me such a program if you have one or know where I can get one.
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How can you know that?

because an rpg with awful writing is awful, and there is no way you can do this without the writing being awful.

seriously, reading fake shakespeare writing is intolerable
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Can you not ask someone decently versed in old English to re-write the dialogue for you? Are you looking for the exact spelling or simply the way the sentences are structured?

If anything you can just complete the game's mechanics and overall story, then when it is finished submit it to some English major who could likely transform your dialogue.
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Quote from: Skellyton
seriously, reading fake shakespeare writing is intolerable
It will have nothing to do with Shakespeare, only with Sheakespeare's time. I don' think people at that time spoke in rhymes when they did normal conversation. So what?

Quote from: Foliage
Can you not ask someone decently versed in old English to re-write the dialogue for you?
Nobody would do that anway...

Are you looking for the exact spelling or simply the way the sentences are structured?
It is absolutely NOT about any sentence structure. It is just about single words which were different at that time (e.g. ''useth'' instead os ''uses'')
the infamous "Shakesbeer Translat0r" troll topique (14 pg.)
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god, GOD it has been ages since i read a shakspeear play, the last one i read was 'The Tempest' but i don't remember much about it, i'm thinking of getting ahold of othello on the recomendation of a friend. Any way, why would you want to right in a manor that makes you sound like a dick? i think shakspear only wrote that way to make his plays seam more... well more somthing any way.
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Dude, one last time: I don't want to write like Shakespeare, I just need to know all the words which where different in his time... but only those whose today's versions are in the dialogues of my game.
the infamous "Shakesbeer Translat0r" troll topique (14 pg.)
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also ????edit:sorry thats old english you want middle or something
have i...helpa/??
Last Edit: November 17, 2009, 03:19:20 pm by Rajew
don't mind me, just postin' after a few brewskies
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needs more zounds
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Any reason to do this beyond "lol sounds old".
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Dude, one last time: I don't want to write like Shakespeare, I just need to know all the words which where different in his time... but only those whose today's versions are in the dialogues of my game.
The problem with a "generator," so to speak, is that there is more than one way to translate words. Take you --> thou/thee, for example. Really, though, the best way to learn is to either actually study Shakespeare, or perhaps the King James Bible. I don't find the language that difficult, personally, but perhaps that's because I'm what David Foster Wallace in his "Tense Present" essay would term a SNOOT. :P
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I don't have the time to study anything just to be able to work on a game. -__-'

@Rajew: I already had that translator too, yes, it's worng. I need ''Early Modern English''. The link above does not help me cause there are only a few head words in it.
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I don't have the time to study anything just to be able to work on a game. -__-'

Then you don't have the time to make a game :|
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Nobody would do that anway...

Well, making assumptions aren't good. I'd recommend just working through your game, and handling the conversion of dialogue last. There's bound to be someone somewhere willing to do so if only you'd ask.
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I think you're very confused about how people used to talk in Shakespeare's time (hint: people didn't really talk like they did in his plays at that point. Most of the "different" words were to make it fit the meter or flow better). All you really have to do is use 'tis and a couple of other contractions. If you had ever read any letters or anything from the time period you would know that. You're really talking about middle English no matter how much you want to say you aren't.
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I don't have the time to study anything just to be able to work on a game. -__-'
then the game won't be any good. sorry.

there's no way mass translation is going to turn your inexperienced writing into something even vaguely reminiscent of another time. writing from past periods is more about word choices and sentence structure and not how the words were fucking spelled. even if you did find "YE EARLY MODERNE ENGLISHE" translator, it'll just identify and change words that have undergone some sort of documented transformation over the last couple hundred years, and simply ignore ones that are unfamiliar to it. YOU WILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THESE ARE IF YOU REFUSE TO READ UP ON THE MATTER. the best you could hope for with something like this is some smattering of outdated spellings of familiar words, which would, in all likelihood, not be comprehensible to your target audience anyway.

not like such a translation service is logically possible, really. you would need a reliable dictionary from a specific period of time in order to make a NOT EMBARASSING translation service, and the first widely-recognized competent english language dictionary didn't appear until the mid 1700s. that period would NOT, by ANY stretch of the imagination, pass for believable old english. even if you DID find a legitimate modern english to old english translation service, you really wouldn't be able to trust its validity anyway. for something like this to realistically work the creator of the translation service would need to identify a specific DATE to which you are regressing the word morphology. how far back would it know to go anyway? without this you would simply be regressing words back to whenever it could be identified as the earliest, which in most cases would render exceptionally sloppy results from any date in a several thousand year period. you go too far back to word roots and you actually leave the english language entirely and enter the realm of fucking proto-germanic languages, at which point your game will be written in a language nobody on the planet speaks natively. no scholar could do this for you because it is a ridiculous endeavor and logistically impossible.

the bottom line is that you will never find a translation service to gloss over your complete lack of linguistic knowledge. if you want to do this, you'll need to actually study classical literature, like any sober person would.

my suggestion would be to quit game creation entirely and get a job working in a coal mine. this seems like a venture more fitting to your capabilities.
Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 02:23:26 am by Hundley
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I don't have the time to study anything just to be able to work on a game. -__-'

So you're just lazy and you want your game to end up like so many other unimaginative games out there. Ho wait, you are imaginative. You want to sparkle a few 'thou' and 'ye olde shope' in there. Amazing.

I wanted to write something witty but I gotta take a bow and hand it to Hundley. He pretty much nailed it.
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You could borrow a real easy dodge from comic books. The first time a line appears that is supposed to be in antiquated English, it can be presented this way -

"<Excuse me, sir. What, exactly, are you trying to say?>*"

*- Translated from Shakespearean theatrical English circa 1586

That way you could write normally and just bracket all of your dialogue after the first asterisk pop-up explains what is going on. This might leave you enough time to worry about what you are trying to say as opposed to how to say it.

Also - check out the dialogue in Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption, especially the first half, and see if you really want to attempt a game that sounds like that.
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You could borrow a real easy dodge from comic books. The first time a line appears that is supposed to be in antiquated English, it can be presented this way -

"<Excuse me, sir. What, exactly, are you trying to say?>*"

*- Translated from Shakespearean theatrical English circa 1586

this is the worst idea, any comic book that does this is the worst too
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Quote from: Peggy
Then you don't have the time to make a game :|
I have, but imagine you have to study stuff for 1 year and after 1 year you have to start your game... I don't have the nerve for that. >_<

Quote from: Foliage
There's bound to be someone somewhere willing to do so if only you'd ask.
Don't you know all these ''I am searching for members to make a game'' topics? Nobody is responding to these topics. Never. Oh yes, moderators are and say ''wrong forum, I'll move it to recruitments or whatever''. So working in a team does not work if you don't work with friends of yours.

Quote from: Alec
If you had ever read any letters or anything from the time period you would know that. You're really talking about middle English no matter how much you want to say you aren't.
I read Romeo & Juliet in school. In English. -__-' And yes, I know that. And I don't care how it is called as long as I can get that freakin' translator.

Quote from: Hundley
then the game won't be any good. sorry. [...] my suggestion would be to quit game creation entirely and get a job working in a coal mine. this seems like a venture more fitting to your capabilities.
Play the game and then judge.

Quote from: Shadow_Kirby
You want to sparkle a few 'thou' and 'ye olde shope' in there. Amazing.
To give it an ''olde touche'', yes. Gramatically it will be today's English, but with a few olde words. That's all. It shouldn't be something like correct language from Shakesbeer's time. It will be today's English with and old touch.
the infamous "Shakesbeer Translat0r" troll topique (14 pg.)
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