"In a time where most major businesses are feeling the pain, and the pinch, of the almighty buck, a lot of companies have undertaken Operation Cutback's in an attempt to save their businesses... Well, now GAYING WORLD needs your help! As it too, has felt the finical squeeze of Psyburns tits."
1. Grow the fuck up. "Gaying World"! Hurr, I'm funny!
2. "Finical"? I believe you mean "financial", if there was any attempt at a connection between this statement and the rest of the thread.
3. It might just be me, but the comma between "pinch" and "of the almighty buck" seems unnecessary. That, and "dollar" seems to fit better.
4. "Operation Cutback" should be in quotations, and the apostrophe "s" removed.
5. Since "tits" are possessed by "Psyburn", it should be "Psyburn's".
6. "Now Gaming World needs your help, as it too has felt the financial squeeze of Psyburn's tits." would be a better wording, though a squeeze being forced onto something by one's tits still does not make much sense.
7. Whichever college you are attending to help you with your grammar and punctuation doesn't seem to be doing its job.
I'm glad to know that you harbor such a strong feeling of hatred towards this place, but still return like a lapdog to rub said feelings in our noses. It really shows how mature and intelligent you are.