You know, I would if I had a mage such as Wynne that I could use to heal my party when fighting the dragon, considering I can't have Morrigan with me on that quest.
But alas, I killed Wynne during the Circle Tower Quests.
Perhaps on my next playthrough.
Eh, what level are you? I was around 16 when I managed to actually beat her. My basic advice is this- keep all your warriors flanking around her as much as possible. Several of her attacks are only frontal, so if you flank her you minimize damage. Also, if you have any buffs which stop stuns, have them on. She stuns very excessively, so you'll need it. Oh, and if you have someone who's even mildly proficient in bows, it'd be worth letting them hang back and attack at range, because the vast majority of the dragon's attacks are close quarters.