This is a pretty apt statement aswell. In fact, I doubt there is a single fault with FF12 that wasn't also something you could criticize FF7 for.
Go ahead, try and name one thing FF12 did worse than FF7. I bet you can't do it.
I don't know. I have to give final fantasy 7 at least some credit for not being such a huge fucking time sink. Even if you skip all the utterly useless extra shit in final fantasy 12, there's still this unbelievable amount of superfluous fluff that didn't need to be in the game to begin with, or serve any practical purpose beyond their wanting to generally model the game after the structure of an mmorpg. FF7 had some of that, but not a whole lot, possibly some of the least the series ever had. The overall structure was a lot tighter and they did a pretty good job not dicking around to the point where you forget entirely what the hell you're supposed to be doing.
Objectively speaking, FF7 did a pretty fair job elaborating on the things you're supposed to care about in the story. I've become progressively more and more irritated with games that suggest some stock BAD GUY ENTITY and don't really care enough about the process to develop the ideas that they're running with. FF12 was more guilty of this than any game I've ever encountered, because you're aware of this evil political entity ruining the world or something, but spend approximately 1% of the game actually doing anything about it. The other 99% are spent fucking with the local wildlife and indigenous peoples for no other reason than the fact that you bump into them on the way to that 0.1% of pertinent stuff that you've been waiting 5 hours to see. Probably more than any game I'm aware of, FF7 went out of their way showing you why what you're doing is important and structured the world design in a way where you become very aware of how the things happening at the center of the story have rippled or are rippling outward throughout most of the world(and the psyches of the characters involved). It's really surprising how few games actually give a shit about this or go out of their way to involve the action of the gameplay in what the game pretends to be about. You resolve most of the main conflicts of Final Fantasy 7 yourself through placement of key fights, with most of the cutscenes being supplement to that rather than a replacement. I can't say that about most games, sadly, Final Fantasy 12 in particular. Like the game or not, PURPOSE is always pretty clear in Final Fantasy 7.
Also, if nothing else, the soundtrack to Final Fantasy 12 is quite possibly the WORST I've ever heard in an RPG, while Final Fantasy 7's soundtrack clearly had some effort put into it. Uematsu actually put some thought into how the music would work with what's happening on screen, while the composer for FF12 just tried to create as many innocuous, generic fantasy songs as he could muster, seemingly independent of what was happening in the game itself.
Actually, I'm really struggling to think of anything Final Fantasy 12 did BETTER than Final Fantasy 7, particularly considering the context of 7's creation being at the very beginning of the transition from simpler 2D games to the typically more complex 3D games. Even if you don't use the gambits in Final Fantasy 12(I didn't use them at all), it's still fundamentally the same mostly rubbish Final Fantasy system with only a slightly different visual presentation. I strongly disagree with the notion that the ability to structure auto-battle conditions is an impressive feature; Why bother even playing a game if you're just going to set up bot-conditions to play the game for you? That should be an indicator that the system needed to be trimmed of the inessential rubbish. FF12 is rather pretty, but even then I think the game is significantly less visually worthwhile than FF7, which exhibited the ability to convey mood and the occasional bit of substance through the visuals, even though obvious technical limitations existed at that time. The art staff of FF12 spent years making forests and mountains and caves that have no function in the game beyond it being some place you stroll through brainlessly slaughtering all the native residents.
In short, don't take that bet. Final Fantasy 7 may not be a great game, but Final Fantasy 12 is unquestionably a very fucking idiotic game. It'd be hard to make an argument for Final Fantasy 12 being fundamentally better than most games.