Tech [DEMO] Super Porygon 3D (Read 764 times)

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Now in two dimensions!

This is a minigame featured in my current project, Pokemon Hunter 4.  Although it's part of that game, I felt it was unique and independent enough to get its own separate release.  It was created in RPG Maker 2000.

In it, you play as a Porygon named http:// on a quest through a computer world.  His goal is to find and defeat the other evil Porygons so they won't come into the real world and wreak havoc.

The game uses an ABS that I took great care in crafting.  I did my best to avoid many of the pitfalls such battle systems typically encounter.

It's all extremely simple.  The HUD in the top-left tells you everything you need to know.  The squares are your HP, the triangles are your power level, and the circles are extra hit points.  Pressing the Enter key fires Tri Attack, which hits four squares in front of you.  I've perfected the hit detection, so there's no way the attack could ever miss a target in its range.  HOWEVER, it can only hit one target at a time, so firing at multiple enemies will only register damage on one of them (and not necessarily the one closest to you).

Fighting isn't the focus of the game, as there are no levels or grinding to be done.  Instead, you fight enemies to open doors, solve puzzles, or replenish lost health (enemies occasionally drop health pick-ups when defeated).  Depending on how careful you are, you may not have to fight much at all.

At the end of each zone, an evil Porygon awaits.  These boss fights are quite tricky, and if you don't play carefully, you'll find yourself utterly trashed.  Each Porygon has different abilities depending on its element, which is related to the type of zone you're in.  Once the boss is defeated, you can access the switch to open the next zone up.

This demo covers the first two zones of the game.  It's a good twenty to thirty minutes depending on how well you do.  You can download it here:

Check out this review, too.

I've tested all the content, but if you encounter any bugs, please feel free to report them.  I hope you enjoy Super Porygon 3D!

For more about my games, you can check out Pokemon Hunter's crappy official site.

This demo released as part of Release Something! Day IX at RMN.
Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 08:11:28 pm by halibabica
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Once again: How can I get rid of that cocoon Pokemon in the 2nd level?
the infamous "Shakesbeer Translat0r" troll topique (14 pg.)
the infamous "Women Can't Make Games" troll topique (18 pg.)

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Just keep shooting it.  It takes a LOT of hits, but it can be killed.  It's meant to impede you so much that you have to fight off everything else in the room first (so you can stand in place and hammer it constantly).
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it looks good,,,
but is the resolution static,,,
or can you make it -- higher?

hmmm... maybe... nooooo

maybe its just this crappy ten year old monitor...

the world may never know
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Resolution is 320 x 240, and it goes full screen automatically.

Also, uh, welcome to GW.  I'm not around here much anymore.
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thanks C=

is it uncomplete or for sale?
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Yes, it's incomplete, and no, it's not for sale.  It's freeware.  You're really new to the RPG Maker scene, aren't you?
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nope, i have been at it for 9 months and counting.
i dont know what you consider 'out of the noob region', but yeah, i know a lot about this stuff,,,
but i still have lots to learn...
that whole thing sounded weird.  lol
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Ah, I see you joined in July last year.  Bit of a lurker before, eh?

Anyway, these forums have gone through a lot over the years, and they're at the point where nothing surprises them anymore.  Choose how you post carefully, 'cuz you never know when someone's going to jump down your throat for something.  If you can prove you're an intelligent contributing member, they might respect you (might).  And there's just an ass-tonne of stuff I could never prepare you for.  So, post, learn, and hang on tight; they don't sugarcoat things around here.

This all sounds really hokey, but it's 100% true.
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Wow that's... some 3D game there...
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Hey, two weeks and two days later, a response from a native GWer!

Of course, it isn't really 3D.  It's meant to sound silly and overglorified.  Just like the game I stole its music from, Sonic 3D Blast.
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lol go to piccetta and talk to 'The Guardian' heh heh that was such a bitch,, i learned my lesson ^_^

not saying im not going to do it again on accident though, lol
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