It actually already works for all you nay sayers. But if you check the link I posted in my last post, you will realize that all games will suffer from a noticeable input lag.
yes it is
technically possible to run a games on demand service like this but it is not
feasible. the demonstrations have been a few guys playing on a LAN - not exactly a good example of how this will work on the internet, with thousands of players.
here are the problems with the service:
- horrible input lag (even getting servers right at the closest CDNs to players you are looking at ~30ms input lag. for players without a CDN near them you would be looking at 100ms+, making games completely unplayable)
- high bandwidth requirement (you will want to play at least 720p to get a good image)
here are the reasons why this service will never take off and will die immediately if it ever stops being vaporware:
- they need servers that can not only play games at high settings but also
encode it as high definition video in real time. now obviously such a server can exist but it is
very expensive. maybe you could get up to 5 players on a ludicrously expensive machine, at most. and that machine would be a fucking beast. now you need thousands of these servers. thousands and thousands. tens of thousands.
- they need to put these servers at CDN datacentres all around the world. this is expensive.
- if they dont use CDNs everybody is fucked and nobody can play any games
- did i mention
how much this will fucking cost-
it will cost a lot-
A LOT OF MONEY IS NEEDEDits practically an investment scam. this is the phantom console of games on demand. this will fail spectacularly.