those pics were from saturday night, which was really just a test run for our costumes. we didnt actually go out on halloween which is shitty but we were all hella tired and we had work on monday etc etc. The second time I was going to go for a more plain white face with black under the eyes and just BLOOD on my chin/neck, kinda like this . Kinda bummed I didn't get to try that, would have looked better. I did get quite a few compliments on how gross/disgusting it was, which is good, a couple of girls at the In N Out we went to at the end of the night were like OMGOSH THAT LOOKS SO GROSS. One guy on the strip was like "YOU ARENT SCARY AT ALL" (drunken bro-fag) and I said "YOU AREN'T SCARED OF A FAKE ZOMBIE? DAMN YOU ARE AWESOME" and one guy in a car said "YOU THAT MUST HAVE BEEN SOME GOOD PIZZA, YOU GOT IT ALL OVER YOUR SHIRT" (this was actually funny, IMO) and I said "NOPE YOUR MOM WAS ON HER PERIOD" and disappeared into a crowd. Pretty dope.