Topic: MyRPGP - My Role Playing Game Project (Read 351 times)

  • Avatar of Kazeuri
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(Note... the images do not work, to view them, visit ... Thanks!)

I've always been a fan of games like RPG that require little more than point and click, but I find the concept of timers VERY ANNOYING. I also don't like having to have friends in order to fully enjoy a game. MyRPGP aims to solve these problems and provide an entertaining character building experience.

MyRPGP uses a stat system I lifted from pen and paper RPG that I've never played. The mechanics are known as Tri-Stat dX.

Tri-Stat dX is the base method I used to construct a viable system for playing MyRPGP. The game focuses on character development through the building of stats. There is a certain rhythmic cycle to tasks.

The game is nearly functional at this moment... and I may have a beta soon. I really need input and ideas from gamers and developers alike to turn this in to the project I want it to be. I aim to have MyRPGP scripted to a point where players can insert their own custom enemies for one another to face off against (provided they are in the proper level gap) as well as contribute quests, items and other advanced features.

The underlying code is VERY SIMPLE and easy to modify. Mostly PHP/MySQL, some minor AJAX tricks here and there... nothing too fancy.

For more info, visit the development blog for MyRPGP at

Let me know on here if you might be interested in contributing to the project. You'll find more screens but keep in mind that MyRPGP develops rapidly and much of these screens are out of date and no longer reflect how the game looks.

Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 01:10:27 pm by Kazeuri
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Wow your old i hardly remember you.
!   <---Copy and Paste for emphasis
  • Avatar of Kazeuri
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We were both born in 1987 :) Sweet!
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i like the sound of it,,,
but where is the story?
or is is a sim'-style game?
wait, is it a RPG-making engine?
-No Cover Games !!!
-You are not better than the rest of us!!!