Topic: Arian Wild Battle Demo - Please Break It (Read 784 times)

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I have a mission for you: please break Karsuman and I's battle system. We need people to fuck stuff up and generate bug reports. Since we're not making the game in three weeks (like our previous project, Visions & Voices), our goal is to, you know, not mess stuff up.

You can view the gamepage and the download the game here:

It requires the RPGMaker VX RTP, which you can download in the link below. The real game will not require the RTP, and will in fact feature custom portraits/monsters/character animations (think Shining Force or Lufia II) by Karsuman.

What to expect
  • I'll warn you up front, there is some hilariously bad dialogue I threw together for the purpose of low-grade humor.
  • Six playable characters, each one with three unique skillsets to mix-and-match from
  • Artifacts that can equipped to raise stats and grant a temporary skill
  • Probably too much synergy and strategy potential (/hubris, but seriously now)
  • Threat and Hate, basically semi-aggro and pissy-aggro (explained in-game)
  • About 500 stats, only like three of which you need to care about if you... don't care?
  • Optional bosses that will make your balls drop
  • Four difficulty levels. Don't play on Phylomortis unless you have the next forty-eight hours open
  • Roughly five hours of killing things dead

What does it look like
Better than this! I've streamlined the interface a tiny bit more since these videos, so that names are never crunched up and pop-up status effects and whatnot don't clusterfuck each other but rather pop individually.

Why bother
If you like strategy, chances are you'll enjoy this. This isn't a firaga/blizzaga/whateveraga game. This is a game with thirteen stats or something ridiculous like that. BASICALLY, it uses RMVX to make a game that isn't a clone of everything else. Hooray for scripting!

Here are some example skills:

Stasis Freeze an enemy in place for several turns. Greatly increases the target's defenses during that time.
Starlight Blade Deals moderate damage. Restores Chesha's SP based on the number of status effects inflicted on the target.
Illusion Arian turns to mist, greatly increasing his Evasion for a turn and lowering his Threat. If attacked, Arian generates SP.
Prevention Temporarily locks an ally's status effects in place. The ally cannot gain any states or have them be removed.
Longevity Refreshes the turns remaining before any positive status effects on the party wear off.
Dominion Deal moderate damage to an enemy. All allies except Arian absorb that damage in full.
ELLY-MOD v3.0 Select a new element for Nalah's Ariel S46 basic action.
Dimension Door Send an enemy to the abyss for several turns.
Martyr Absorbs all of an ally's Threat.
Succubus Absorbs some of an ally's HP. The ally absorbs all of Chesha's status effects.

Some of these are basic actions, meaning that they don't cost anything to perform and can be used every turn (namely, Starlight Blade, Illusion, and Succubus). Oh, and Stasis and Dimension Door work on bosses.

So! Please destroy our game's mechanics, complain about Hate attacks pwning you, get your PIE to 99, etc. We want to make this game really good.

OH AND FUN FACT: I just realized that I forgot to mention this in the CrazeTutorials: colon: status effects refresh when you reapply them, and "token" status effects (e.g. the description says "adds a PIE+ token") stack! Using Maiden's Faith three times would add three Piety Buff tokens, for example. The limit for all tokens except degens/regens is three; degens/regens can be stacked up to five times. Sorry I forgot to mention it in-game!
Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 07:45:56 pm by Craze /!\
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The current version of the game is v1.03, which is uploaded as the main download. You can also get the patch here.

The biggest fix is that the Mark skill no longer crashes. Nifty! There are a few other minor niggles, but that's the only fatal one.
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I'll break it once these enemies stop breaking me.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
  • Avatar of Craze /!\
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What difficulty level are you playing on? Normal should simply be "punch in the gut" hard, where Hard is "punch in the balls" hard, and Phylomortis is "dump truck" hard.
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Phylomortis, of course. I've since dropped to Normal, but due to the massive evasion the enemies are doing I think I'll drop to Easy for some leisurely game breaking.

Curiously, what are the differences between the four game modes?

It also looks like the effects from Illusion wear off the turn AFTER using it rather than the turn I use it.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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That's a "turn." It wears off at the end of the user's next action, like in Dungeons & Dragons 4e. Also, yeah, I need to lower the Vampyre's EVA; otherwise it's more balanced on Normal.

If you have VX, you can play the game in the editor and press <F9>, scroll down to variable 100 ("Difficulty 2") and lower it. 10 means that enemies have 100% normal Evasion.

As for the actual differences, iirc: Easy is 60% HP, Hard is 130% HP, Phylomortis is 160% HP. Power/Efficacy/Might/Piety/etc. are in/decreased a little less than that, and Technique/Accuracy/Evasion are in/decreased like 80-120%.

I'm glad you've been trying it out. =D
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About skills, do you learn the skills in the same order always? As in, if I always go Night Stalker, will I get the first skill in that set if I pick Night Stalker as, say, my tenth skill?
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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Yes. Each skillset also has the same progression; Special > Feat > Basic > Improved Basic or Special; Stat Boost > Special > Stat Boost > Special > Passive > Stat Boost > Ultimate Special. As such, both generalizing and specializing has its advantages.
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Found an error. During my fight with Seth he used his drain attack and there was an error prompt and the game closed down.

edit: I'll try and replicate it and screenshot the prompt.
How about no!? You are an idiotic version of a baboon.
  • Avatar of Craze /!\
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Found an error. During my fight with Seth he used his drain attack and there was an error prompt and the game closed down.

edit: I'll try and replicate it and screenshot the prompt.

I'll look into this, thank you.
  • *untis* *untis* ^
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Another one when Princess Pain used a flaming surge on me.
How about no!? You are an idiotic version of a baboon.