Where's the adventures of mister big t 1?
U need to load it onto your site like you did with dooms1
The sad fact is, it's gone, I do not have the copies any more because I did not release it and my computer died that had it. You didn't lose anything, BIG T 2 explains everything because of this and BIG T 1 was mostly 15 minute long slap stick. Final Phantasy XXX 2 includes almost the entire BIG T 1's storyline in it. (Or at least, what was important about it)
Despite how quirky, odd and possibly demented the setting and the characters may be, this feature alone, and I hope it's well implemented into the game, would make it better (at least in my eyes) than 90% of other RPGMaker games.
I'd really like to see you make a non-satyrical kind of RPG to see how it'd turn out because your ideas, regarding the gameplay, are the right ones. Anyway, I'll be sure to play both this and the fourth chapter.
I am working on few serious rpgmaker games. It works in here and it works in BIG T 4, though in BIG T 5, the effects are even more drastic and altering. BIG T 4 is nearly completely non linear, the only times you'll be forced to do something is if you've proceeded past the point of no return. To quote Toadpole from his review of BIG T 4
"What's good about Big T 4's storyline is that the game doesn't control what happens - it has a beginning, but, from there on in, you can just do whatever you feel like and make up the story as you go along. You can, for example, help some mercenaries kill Mario, then dump your girlfriend for one of the mercenaries, then end up dying in the end sequence. Or, you can head straight to the evil scientist's lair, but, depending on what choices you make, you can end up killing your own party. Or, you can stop your quest and just end the game without having accomplished anything. Or...
What makes it work well is that this isn't a case of being forced to make a choice by the game at a certain moment, and then having to follow that path throughout - you can (most of the time, at least) totally abandon your current path and take up a new one without much fuss. And they aren't simply variations on the same storyline, either: Each time you start a game, it can turn out totally and utterly different to the last time."
You can read the full review here. You should, it is very great review and I'm not saying it because he's giving me good scores, it's actually coming from one of the best reviewers of Rpgmaker games.
http://www.fryingbear.com/rpgmaker/reviews/bigtfour.phpMaladroit Him also reviewed BIG T 4 and gave it good scores, also complimenting my use of the unique Game over screen.
Try his RMVX game Angelissa's Quest, it's perfectly serious. And it's pretty funny when they try to explain the controls.  
I really am proud on how I made the tutorial on Angelissa's Quest.  
Though Angelissa's Quest is completely linear and mostly story driven. I'm working on a secret project that's non linear like Adventures of MISTER BIG T but without the silly parts.
By the by Romhacker, did you beat the secret boss at the top of the 100th floor of the final tower?