Topic: The Backloggery (Read 713 times)

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I was just wondering how many GW peeps had a backloggery page.

If you are not in THE KNOW, the backloggery is a site you can update with whatever games you are currently playing, have played, have beaten, etc etc. One bad thing is that you just type in the game name, so you end up with about 200 different variations of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" but I still like the idea of the site. You can add people as friends and follow their GAMING PROGRESS and shit. Idk why that's a good thing but I like it.

Not that useful for a lot of people here who have stopped playing games nowadays, but since I am still a giant game nerd I thought I'd ask about it.

Check it out here, and my page is here. I know Dr Ears has one, since I followed his sig link to the site, but I was just wondering if anyone else has one!

Okay, go.
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I don't have one, but I've wanted to do something like this for years.  I'm glad there's a coherent way to do it on the big old internet!   ​
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I have a shockingly depressing one here. Thing is, even with all those unfinished ones I don't plan to finish half of the--ahhh fuck it gonna stop justifying

EDIT: oh wow you are playing grandia! i fully endorse this, the first one is amazing.
Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 03:31:00 am by Christophomicus
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i actually prefer to forget which games i have been meaning to play. they always disappoint me anyway so it's best to just forget about them entirely.
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life has no joy for hundley
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I also discovered Backloggery through Dr. Ears. BTW.

I have a shockingly depressing one here. Thing is, even with all those unfinished ones I don't plan to finish half of the--ahhh fuck it gonna stop justifying

EDIT: oh wow you are playing grandia! i fully endorse this, the first one is amazing.

I have no idea if I'll even live long enough to catch up with my backlog. I also have a massive wish list... They both seem to grow faster than the rate I beat games.
Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 05:32:06 am by warpped655
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Should I even post in this topic considering people found it through my sig? I guess I should.

I think The Backloggery is fucking excellent, and incredibly helpful. I'm trying to finish all of the games I own but it's difficult, because I keep buying more D:
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Is this thing really that useful or whatever? Why post games you are playing when you already know that?
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Anyway, its useful for organization and keeping track of games you want to play/own. It also has a pretty cool feature "fortune cookie" that randomly picks a game out of your collection which can be pretty useful if there is a "drought" of releases you care about but you don't know what to play amongst your collection.

Also for OCDish people like me it help you be a completionist.

Or if you are 'that way' its also a way to show off. Though this would have to be on the honor system of not lying about what games you beat. but if you seriously lie about something like that... just... wow.
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I just use it to keep track of the games I own and what ones I have finished or truly completed.
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I lost interest.

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really? like who cares about this. WHAT GAMES HAVE YOU BEATEN. this could work better if it's games that you like (MILLIONS OF CALL OF DUTY 2) but i can't see much socializing revolving around that compared to other entertainment forms such as music and movies.
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This is pretty pointless.
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really? like who cares about this. WHAT GAMES HAVE YOU BEATEN. this could work better if it's games that you like (MILLIONS OF CALL OF DUTY 2) but i can't see much socializing revolving around that compared to other entertainment forms such as music and movies.
then yeah it isnt for you

i find it interesting seeing what games other people are playing, especially since you can list literally every game there (nobody ever posts SO IM REPLAYING CHUCK ROCK FOR MEGA DRIVE in the "what u play" topic, even if they are)

people who do like it: post your links
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its like twitter for what games you're playing. just got an achievement, for being a badass.
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Not adding all my games, since I more or less beat all of them already
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And another:

Not gonna be adding all my games 'cause I'd be here for quite a while. Going to put them on as I get to them.