Adventure GamingWorld MD (Read 862 times)

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I have about 2k in medical bills I cannot afford to go to the doctor.
Post your ailments and we will give you a diagnosis/treatment recommendation in return for the same services.

I have a few ailments.
My right ear has been very sensitive lately. Simple things like dropping a book on a desk will make my ear ring. At a show about a week ago I actually had to leave the room because the PA was making my ear hurt. But I have no hearing loss and the ringing is temporary and only in my right ear.

Also, I have been getting these little things on various parts of my body every few weeks, one at a time. They look like moles, but are smaller, darker, and apparently are filled with blood. My guess is some kind of blood blister but they aren't from pinching or anything. I had one on my ankle about a week ago and I thought it was a tick until I had one on my tongue yesterday. I just scratched them both and they popped and then healed, with a tiny bit of blood. wtf.

Tell me your ailments and I will diagnose you free of charge. I am a 6 season graduate of House MD so nothing is above me.
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all ear drums and cochleae should be amputated at birth. replace with machine's ears.
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you have fleas and you're allergic to them, that's why your sinuses are inflamed and giving you grief in the form of ear pain. try irrigating your nose with salt water and washing your sheets/vacuuming your house more thoroughly.
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I am addicted to smoking cigarettes
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dietcoke, try to quit using snus or chew for a week or a week and a half and then stop that and switch to patches. it worked for me i hope that helps
Put some sand in my roommate's sheets today... :gwa:
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Its a work thing, its embedded in my psyche as some kind of internal clock. I don't think that nicotine replacement will work(it hasn't) because I don't have cravings at home or when I'm out doing thangs. The only solution I see is to start doing something that I enjoy for a living
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I never understood why parents let their kids go skateboarding etc in a country where you have to pay a shittonne for healthcare.
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Because you can't put a price on catching wicked air
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I've been awake for about eight hours for the same reason. It's not funny. I seriously can't sleep.
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- Shortly before 9 P.M. on March 7, 2010, I turned my head to the right, then turned back to the left with eyes following to the left.
- Suddenly saw a weird "square" in the lower-right of my vision, covering about one quarter of my vision
- This 'square" was drawn as a hollow, multi-colored, zigzag pattern (see png below)

- With eyes open, "square" obscured the part of my vision that it covered--like an overlay.
- With eyes closed "square" was seen more distinctly, and when right eyeball moved, square moved with it.
- "Square" somewhat resembled normal after-image seen after looking at light source, but had more intensity, sharpness of detail, and seemed to oscillate.
- The 4 lines of the square seemed to be made of "snow" on a TV screen, but sharper and brighter.
- Since it resembled after-image, I tried looking at the lightbulb for a few seconds, then shut my eyes and saw normal after-image of light bulb, but also still saw "square"
- "Square" effect lasted 1-2 minutes, but then when it faded, for the right eye, the center of vision was clear, but the periphery was blurry.
- Left eye remained normal and clear throughout this weirdness (which gave me something to compare the right eye with)
- Washed right eye with clean cool water, didn't seem to make much difference.
- Shortly after washing right eye, slight pressure began to build and was felt in right eye, but it did not appear swollen.
- Pressure began to subside after approx. 20 minutes; blurriness persisted, but did improve.
- By next morning, right eye was normal again.


...Seriously though, this really did happen to me. In fact, I wrote all this down Sunday night, so that I could tell my doctor the eye doctor the next day, if the problem persisted--which it didn't thankfully.

But it was hella freaky (and quite a bit scary)
Like a portion of my retina had temporarily shorted out, or blown a few pixels or whatever.

Fuck, but the human body is full of oddity and mystery.
Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 12:34:09 pm by SegNin
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I am addicted to smoking cigarettes
gave up electronic cigarettes? you were on a minor crusade over those things back in the day.
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gave up electronic cigarettes? you were on a minor crusade over those things back in the day.
it went through the laundry and died and I never got around to getting a new one, plus I spent the summer living with friends who called me a faggot when I busted it out so...
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Isn't it so that those electronic cigarettes still give you an overdose of nicotine and that they're probably just as bad albeit in an entirely different way?
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it went through the laundry and died and I never got around to getting a new one, plus I spent the summer living with friends who called me a faggot when I busted it out so...

Same except instead of the laundry it was a car accident.

The longest I can go without having a cigarette is a day now. and I'm smoking a pack a day :/ . Day by day it's getting harder and harder to quit :(
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Isn't it so that those electronic cigarettes still give you an overdose of nicotine and that they're probably just as bad albeit in an entirely different way?
Nicotine isn't great for you, but I wouldn't say that overdoing the nicotine is just as bad as sucking smoke containing a gang of carcinogens and tar into your lungs. You might have to worry about heart disease or something down the road if you're really goin' for it but I don't think it's nearly as bad as smoking cigarettes

The longest I can go without having a cigarette is a day now. and I'm smoking a pack a day :/ . Day by day it's getting harder and harder to quit :(
yuck I start to feel gross when I reach 4 in a day.
Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 03:38:42 pm by DietCoke
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What does it mean when you always get cramps after eating bacon
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Isn't it so that those electronic cigarettes still give you an overdose of nicotine and that they're probably just as bad albeit in an entirely different way?
i've heard that you don't get near as much nicotine from electronic cigarettes as you do from smoking actual cigarettes. i'd be inclined to believe this. the sensation of smoking electronic cigarettes and the subsequent withdrawal is a whole lot more mellow than it was with tobacco. i'd hit a much higher point when smoking tobacco, and a much deeper low when i haven't had one in a while. you can really FEEL a cigarette hit your brain and bloodstream, but you never really can with electronic cigarettes. also a major factor of the whole thing is the avoidance of the whole WASTED CIGARETTE phenomena. given the price of cigarettes, you do feel obligated to finish a cigarette once you've lit one, even if you don't necessarily NEED it. this is totally erased with electronic cigarettes, and most people just pull it out when they need it or have some sort of craving for it, and put it away after a drag. this may lead to some people getting more nicotine than they would through regular tobacco smoking, if they're hitting the device with a lot more frequency than they were smoking tobacco, but i've heard most people aren't completely inseparable from their electronic cigarette and generally use it for a drag when they need it. that's how i use it, and it's infrequent that i'm ever taking more than two or three consecutive drags before putting it down or putting it back in my pocket.

still, if that's not the case and you are getting as much/more nicotine than from tobacco, nicotine alone isn't what makes smoking dangerous. nicotine isn't good for you, but it's not a known carcinogen and probably isn't the main reason why tobacco kills everybody. i'm not going to say that there is no risk at all, but there's been nothing to suggest that electronic cigarettes have nearly the health risks of tobacco smoking, even if you do hit the devices furiously. you're just shouldering the health hazards of nicotine without all the other things that are more proven to kill you and fuck you up in a wide variety of ways.

and the nicotine concentrations in electronic cigarettes aren't high enough for accidental death through nicotine overdose. you'd really need to be doing it deliberately.

it went through the laundry and died and I never got around to getting a new one, plus I spent the summer living with friends who called me a faggot when I busted it out so...
imho you probably would have been justified in kicking them in the dick. seriously though, you don't need me to tell you how bad of a reason this is!!

i've found some better e-cigarette models than the one you started me off with, so let me know if you want some advice. this goes for everyone who wants to try this as a smoking replacement, actually. i've been smoking electronic cigarettes for about ten months now and have a pretty good idea of how it all works if anybody wants me to point them in the right direction.
Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 04:14:27 pm by Hundley
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I don't think they're a bad idea at all but "electronic cigarettes" gets me every single time