Unless you can find a sure-fire way to get everyone who has ever made a game to see this topic and reply to it, you are pretty much screwed when it comes to answering the very question you pose. Of course that's only if you aren't willing to accept completely arbitrarily defined answers based on the whims of the subset of people who do end up replying to your post.
I made a game! I'll post!  
Rm2k3 and Rm2k used to be the standard among us game making wannabes back a few years ago, but in the last little while...RmXP and RmVx have made a complete 360. More people now use VX and XP now than ever before, and why not? It is defiantly better then the lesser models. Still, a lot of people still use rm2k3 (likes yours truly), even though we
should could switch anytime we want, we like the simple standards that rm2k3 inforces, and since a lot of us just want to jump into something right away, rm2k3 will always be my choice.
But hey, Gamemaker, Ika, Sphere, C++, Flash, Java...they are all great choices! The best thing about these Indie Gaming sites is that no matter what game you make in whatever program, people will still play it, and that is why I love these places. So, the choice is up to you! Try a couple of makers and see which one you fancy. All I can say is Rm2k3 is still great for people who just want to make a game with very little knowledge of coding, just to "Do" something quickly to just show off.
Speaking of Flash and C++, I will be learning this stuff in school in the next year or so, so once I do get a firm grasp of the basics, I attend to ditch Rpg Maker and start making more advanced games. Okay, maybe I won’t QUITE throw Rm2k3 away (I still might be tempted to do a quick freeware game at times), but you get my drift.
So pick a maker; make us some semper games; and just have fun! ^^
(Back to my homework, ugh)