Art Everybody Draw Mohammed (Read 1957 times)

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Everyone has probably heard about this already, but basically Comedy Central recently censored an episode of South Park depicting Mohammed in a bear suit after some obscure blog aimed what were essentially death threats at Trey Parker and Matt Stone. 

Jon Stewart's 10 Minute Rant
Everybody Draw Mohammed Day

A Seattle cartoonist has now proposed we make May 20th 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day' which is sponsored by CACAH - Citizens Against Citizens Against Humor.

So, GW, here's your topic to discuss this and get a head start on drawing your Mohammeds.  I'll upload mine later, probably.

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jon stewart, matt stone and trey parker are a bunch of twerps. fuck them all, their shit is so worn-out and lame. jon stewart said that fox news etc are decent human beings and 'worthy adversaries' in that clip while groups like revolution muslim are 'the enemy'. he can go eat a pile of shit, puking flags like that.

they're all trashbags. every person involved in this thing is a trashbag.
Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 01:05:50 am by jamie
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4chan did this already

and spammed a muslim facebook account with them

well I mean like obscene pictures of Mohammed

it was like the only time I ever went on 4chan ok
Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 01:22:09 am by Ragnar
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yeah this is stupid and you can't fight ignorance and hatred with more ignorance and hatred all it does is cause more ignorance and hatred

also why does anyone really care and why would anyone need worry over some zealot jackasses those people threaten to kill people every day.
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thats ballsy man lol. shittaaber, you might even get murdere like this dood!
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man i am all for free speech but why does anyone have to be such a dick to be drawing mohammed anyway????

yes you should be free to do so but the only REASON to do it is to be a dick about the fact that they don't want you to

honestly what does drawing mohammed prove????  what GRAND STATEMENT are you making by doing it?  you're just being a dick for the sake of being a dick.  sure, sending death threats makes you a dick too, but you KNOW that's what's going to happen, so why keep doing it?  what point did south park make by showing this?  that HEY GUYS THOSE PEOPLE WHO WERE UP IN ARMS OVER THAT DANISH CARTOONIST FUCKING YEARS AGO?  YEAH THEY STILL FEEL THE SAME WAY.  JUST CHECKING IN.  keeping it topical there, south park. 

i don't get why this is a big freedom of speech thing anywa.  nothing is stopping anyone from drawing mohammed, this is being proven over and over again.  the government's not been going "hey you'd better not!", there's nothing to be protesting here except that these dudes are provoking a group of people who have behaved this way in the past over the exact same thing and it's just gonna keep happening :/

tl;dr this whole thing is dumb and you should be ashamed of yourself for getting into this.  nobody's free speech is being limited here, the only thing going on is that sometimes you are responsible for what you say/do/DRAW and if someone sees that as FIGHTING WORDS and you know it's gonna happen then that's something you have to consider when you choose to do this.  nothing is stopping me from going into a room full of violent thugs and shouting "YEAH WELL FUCK YOU ALL, YOU GUYS ARE DOUCHES.", but i know what's going to happen if i do this so why would i bother when i'm proving nothing by doing so
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i tried to do this but then i just drew a penis and hung it over my bed.
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topic is now "everybody draw a penis"

i had a good one on pubaccess but it is down still so send in you dick pix
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4chan did this already

and spammed a muslim facebook account with them

well I mean like obscene pictures of Mohammed

it was like the only time I ever went on 4chan ok

man i didn't see this the first time i looked at this topic but this is honestly a really 4chan thing to do so idk how nobody would be fuckin embarrassed to do it
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Haha!  I should be ashamed of myself?  Really?

I don't really watch South Park and don't even know what point there was, if any, in portraying Mohammed in a bear suit.  Not the point anyway.  The point is that the threats alone prompted the network to censor the clip when there were otherwise no plans whatsoever to do so.  Now I don't know if this qualifies as your GRANDE ASSERTION or whatever the fuck it was you were going on about, but are you saying you basically agree that mainstream media should be censored to quell the disgruntled whimperings of an extremist minority? 
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Also hi there this topic is not about penises now simply because you're an idiot.
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you know that thing you think is real important? i don't think it's important, i'll show you how unimportant i think it is *shits in an urn*

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Also hi there this topic is not about penises now simply because you're an idiot.
hey enough of that, vellfire isn't an idiot.
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i don't get why this is a big freedom of speech thing anywa.  nothing is stopping anyone from drawing mohammed, this is being proven over and over again.  the government's not been going "hey you'd better not!", there's nothing to be protesting here except that these dudes are provoking a group of people who have behaved this way in the past over the exact same thing and it's just gonna keep happening :/
forgot that the fcc is in charge of everything everybody in the u.s watches LOL
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if we are to be assassinated, we will do so while fighting the very organization that has sworn to protect us!
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Its not very polite to depict the prophet Mohammed.

I have no idea what comedy central is up to because I don't have cable but they shouldn't be dickheads about things like this, I mean its really not funny and they're basically a bunch of privileged white people in a primarily Christian and secular society poking fun at a minority group's religion.

Great job firstworld white people were really so much more civilized than those mud people

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velfare paragraph was a lot longer than it needed to be. if you really think there is some vindication in the portrayal of mohammed you have a bit of growing up to do let's talk again after south park get's cancelled later this year.
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Haha!  I should be ashamed of myself?  Really?

I don't really watch South Park and don't even know what point there was, if any, in portraying Mohammed in a bear suit.  Not the point anyway.  The point is that the threats alone prompted the network to censor the clip when there were otherwise no plans whatsoever to do so.  Now I don't know if this qualifies as your GRANDE ASSERTION or whatever the fuck it was you were going on about, but are you saying you basically agree that mainstream media should be censored to quell the disgruntled whimperings of an extremist minority? 

fick you
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Haha!  I should be ashamed of myself?  Really?

I don't really watch South Park and don't even know what point there was, if any, in portraying Mohammed in a bear suit.  Not the point anyway.  The point is that the threats alone prompted the network to censor the clip when there were otherwise no plans whatsoever to do so.  Now I don't know if this qualifies as your GRANDE ASSERTION or whatever the fuck it was you were going on about, but are you saying you basically agree that mainstream media should be censored to quell the disgruntled whimperings of an extremist minority? 

Also hi there this topic is not about penises now simply because you're an idiot.
you don't understand anything. Velfarre's and Dietcoke's posts did a pretty good job summing this up so if you still insist on defending two idiot shits and a bloated, sensationalist cartoon then yeah be my guess.