Topic: gw (Read 730 times)

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semper games monopolo gmj whahay foget MONKEY CHEESE

I was standing in line at Trader Joes minding my own business when I heard some giggling behind me - being newly single and a bit rusty with my flirting radar, I took this as a sign to turn around and say hi, only to be confronted by two girls my age (albeit hot) on the subject of the shirt I was wearing.

See, here in Ventura, which could be called a 'lower class city', wearing a polo shirt on it's own can make you stand out - but I take it a step further by putting the collar up (AKA 'Popping') for reasons such as me hating my neck and liking the way it frames my jawline. I don't do it to be 'cool' or whatever the cause of the viral hatred towards popped collars is, I just like it on me.

Well these girls decided that it's trendy (despite me never seeing another guy wearing a shirt like this in person EVER) and that I should be told that. I'm apparently a bad person for trying too hard to be 'in'. I told them they were stupid and should stop reading Cosmo and perhaps pick up something Kerouac wrote on the subject of individualism.

...Still single, ladies.

If I hear one more person misquote Hemmingways "For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Used" I'm going to play hide the loafer with that particular persons inarticulate ass.

So far my southern California experience has left me fairly empty and repressed, and I've learned that one can accomplish anything if he's a clever enough liar and can sport a fake Rolex properly.

For example, I walk into an AT&T store needing a day job to satiate my alcohol and growing tobacco needs wearing said watch, a 13 dollar pair of Rockport loafers and various other dress clothes purchased from ROSS, and walk out having secured an Assistant Manager position. I've never managed so much as my laundry in my life. I know I rule.

So, having taken said Assistant Manager's training (Which should be titled "Ridiculously transparent ways to steal peoples money and laugh when stupid fuckers fall for it") and actually settling into this job I discover that I'm not cut out for the schlub lifestyle and am getting frustrated when I can't use my dwindling free time to write, smoke, or photograph meaningless shit. I'm working on the second novel of my life and for a change I'm actually going to try to market it (Given that it's one of the few assets I actually can call my own) but I'm dating someone that is completely left-brained who can't appreciate creativity or the concept that inspiration comes at inopportune times. It's not my fault if I have to sit down at my Smith-Corona at 3AM and type a page - if I don't do it now it'll never get done.

This universe can be a funny place sometimes - and don't worry, I'll elaborate on that thought later.

The Government hates us all... God hates us all... But worst of all, Matt hates you all. It's been 3 years since I last visited this depressed and repressed city, and all I can see now is that the fuckers, the suckers, and the fake have won not only the battle, but the war. Everything from the Apple stores to the Starbucks scream mediocrity to me... This just won't do. The City of Angels is now so hellbent on destroying itself that it may not even need me to join it's ranks of sinners, but what the hell, I'll do it anyway.

Very few things could actually make me write online in what is most commonly called a "Blog". Even the name (Blaw-Guh)causes my testicles to retreat into my brain, but seeing you assholes reading these things like they're Faulkner from widescreen laptops (Which you probably only use for porn) compels me to use your system against you - to call you out and shoot you down in a way you all deserve - to get drunk and sleep with your wives. Let me know if she's a squirter, OK? I'd hate to ruin the rug in your office.

So for the record, I'll say this: I'm here LA, and here to stay. I'll fuck your women, drink your liquor, seduce and destroy. From Woodland Hills to Hollywood, Sylmar to LAX, none of you are safe anymore... Just make sure you leave the doors unlocked and liquor cabinets open. I'll need a drink for the road.

Just remember - I may be just like you, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to destroy you.

basically i was readin through american magic and was REMINISCING about....the old gw. post shit you miss about gw or cool gw quotes. post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :fogetbackflip:​  :fogetbackflip:​  :fogetbackflip:
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i don't have anything to contribute but i thought the topic title was realy inspiring

o wait i do have something. i remember way back someone (steel?) posted harry potter spoilers and every1 got all pissed off and started nerdraging
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that didn't happen, only one or two people cared about the spoilers. I still have a PM from the one.

I miss some of climbtree's threads. my favorite was one of the first I remember him posting, when he was asking the forum about how to steal a girl poop. I think it was the first time I was exposed to world of poop lovers. the thread was deleted but I remember I made a post about installing cameras in the arby's bathroom to take pictures of girls pooping. and then like a month later I get these pms from a brand new member who still has 0 posts
Quote from: duderdude5
Hey Earl Chip, I saw your post in this thread ( ) about your camera in the girl's bathroom. Do you happen to have any pics or vids?
Quote from: duderdude5
Of course! Have any preference? I have wet farts, sloppy runs, Big loads, thick turds, hearshey squirts, loose stool, watery stool, granny, turd-a-loop, button turds, rock turds and diarrhea.
Wow, that's quite the collection. I'm cool with anything but "granny." Oh, and are the girls still present in any of your pics or vids?

Thanks dude!
looking back maybe someone was yanking my chain but it was still a nice find

the majority of threads in p911 were garbage obviously but there were a lot of good ones buried in there too
Last Edit: May 20, 2010, 06:19:55 pm by earlchip
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i miss steel a lot.
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remember impeal i like him he was a nice guy. remember bunnymilk he was a nice chap, i like him.

why do any of us still come here? seriously its like i just come here out of HABIT. and yet, if gw actually officially went away I would be kinda sad and, I'd feel like something was missing. The internet would become a little smaller for me that day.

well if i never see you guys again i love you all, you're all top dudes.
yes coulombs are "germaine", did you learn that word at talk like a dick school?
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well if i never see you guys again i love you all, you're all top dudes.
I second this. I love all of you guys. keep up the good work, team!
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remember impeal i like him he was a nice guy. remember bunnymilk he was a nice chap, i like him.

why do any of us still come here? seriously its like i just come here out of HABIT. and yet, if gw actually officially went away I would be kinda sad and, I'd feel like something was missing. The internet would become a little smaller for me that day.

well if i never see you guys again i love you all, you're all top dudes.
postin w/some cool bros

just chillin with no pants on
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guys remember? remember guys/ when i went to strip club!

hahaha idk why i come here this place has pretty much shaped my childhood and who ive grown to be... not sayin its a good thing though lol :) i joined a month after my 12th birthday but i lurked around here,, and don miguels site (does anyone know where he went) for about a year before that. gamingw = internet kind of
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why do any of us still come here? seriously its like i just come here out of HABIT. and yet, if gw actually officially went away I would be kinda sad and, I'd feel like something was missing. The internet would become a little smaller for me that day.

it's definitely habit.  i mean i go on irc and talk to the people i like there, nothing has changed about that, but idk why i come to the forums other than habit.
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whoa didn't we have a topic like this not long time ago? anyways uh i mean yeah it's a lot about habit but i'm also genuively interested of reading your dumb comments ya fucks!! all of em. i'm a post vacuum. i like all of you a whole lot so i don't understand this talk about a USELESS forum?!?! posting w/ some cool bros.

also Ryan whaaat's up. tell me a bit about your life you mole!! whoa you did make that degree topic but what the heck so what. deal with it. here and now ryan!! here!!!! and!!! now!!!!
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You know even though I do come here out of pure habit, I actually do read basically EVERYTHING that people write in the topic I'm looking at. I never just go post my thoughts, I always read it all. I do genuinely want to read what all ya fucks write!
yes coulombs are "germaine", did you learn that word at talk like a dick school?
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I don't post I just read.
also wasn't ryan meat.lover?? or everyclear? he was one of them i thought and all of you are acting like he was all gone and stuff! he
he was always here
in our hearts...
don't mind me, just postin' after a few brewskies
somebody’s Barkley --- could be another’s Monopolo.
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remember impeal i like him he was a nice guy. remember bunnymilk he was a nice chap, i like him.

why do any of us still come here? seriously its like i just come here out of HABIT. and yet, if gw actually officially went away I would be kinda sad and, I'd feel like something was missing. The internet would become a little smaller for me that day.

well if i never see you guys again i love you all, you're all top dudes.

I come to GW because there is always something new to read
Play Raimond Ex (if you haven't already)

I'll not TAKE ANYTHING you write like this seriously because it looks dumb
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i can't really think of anything in particular, it's too bad that we can't access those old topics anymore.

heh, but i won't forget the time everyone worked on their rm2k3 projects and everyone thought it was the shit. i remember coming to the GW mainpage once in a while to look for resources and for rm2k games i could play.

i was just a brat back then, but still
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I come to the forums because I like to and because irc is one of the worst things in the world. talk about MIND NUMBING just look at that guy who only makes stupid posts in the picture thread
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hey wait that's
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Most of GW is the shit that Im gonna miss. It's just not the same
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Most of GW is the shit that Im gonna miss. It's just not the same
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waitis something happening to gw? i am not sure why i have been coming here for like 10 years i don't think i am very fond of the place, but seeing it go down saddens me

also i am watching lost reruns right now and they are having a funeral for boone and sad music is playing that might be contributing to my nostaligic sadness