keep in mind my idea of 90's is like, I can't remember the early 90's well enough so 90's to me is like, off the top of my head, it's like aliens were still cool/interesting skateboarding was still cool skateboards with aliens painted on them were like ultra cool people used the word 'ultra' playstation was fucking mindblowing people still got excited over graphics (which I still kind of agree on that was like the last real paradigm shift in games) microsoft was evil instead of apple people still got excited over the simpsons people still got excited over the internet nobody had the internet only that one guy in your neighborhood had anything cool like playstation or internet people still got shocked over violence in videogames people still got shocked in general people still got excited about dinosaurs/archeology this + the alien thing is probably spielberg's fault people still cared about spielberg people still got excited over special effects (I mean to the point where you could just show some image no matter how crappy and as long as it was done on computor people would crap their pants) lots of things were 'extreme' the game Wipeout was somehow marketable (probably because it's so extreme) things were still mind-numbing (reality shows I've heard something or other like 'trashy' 'bad television' 'ruining television' but I don't think anybody really mentions the mind-numbing aspect anymore(or just flat-out say 'retarded')) Lara Croft was supposed to be hot you could have ridiculous characters like Lara Croft and be like a feminist because it wasn't a cliche yet to have a woman who kicks ass or something. Also Buffy the Vampire Slayer same idea the guy who produced Buffy the Vampire Slayer was still relevant 90210 90210 knock-offs hip-hop was still like whatever it hadn't become pop music yet people still went to raves nobody had cell phones Clinton lol sorry I ran out of steam
big head modes dancing baby Ally McBeal people still talked about anorexia
Edit: some of the 90's stuff I paid attention to is skewed because of my brother tbh
Edit: My view of the 90's is probably pretty DARK actually because suddenly games were no longer just Nintendo suddenly all these new companies were on the scene and Mortal Kombat and then post-Mortal Kombat world everything seemed like it had to be dark and gritty and have people blowing up for no reason and Lara Croft etc. rumors about nude codes etc. and Mortal Kombat had a bunch of rumors hidden fatalities and stuff probably nude codes too (I went to a Catholic school lol)
um also I'm pasting this article because it sums up a lot of thoughts of mine every person who's ever designed a fighting game has been a sexual deviant
Edit: Hope that wasn't off-topic I think Mortal Kombat was like really important in shaping the progress of video games even if it was in a bad way and really it's sad and pathetic how long the shock value lasted wow we can render blood and gore and boobies now
Edit: 90s - wow people are really impressionable
00s - wow people are fucking idiots watching internet porn while working on nuclear reactors and killing themselves after watching avatar on their ipad
Edit: I'm not that jaded really
Edit: I think internet is really cool for that reason like I said you only hear about anorexia every once in a while is it better now or is it just not CONSTANTLY on the news anymore? Like now you can actually look up facts and figures about it instead of just 'duhh there's no more 60 minutes on it so I guess anoerxia is over'
Edit: people still cared about 'bits'
Edit: r.l stine jerry seinfeld