Topic: The Chronos Tome (Read 1153 times)

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Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 02:15:02 am by Cysma
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There, I put everything in the first post for your convenience.
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No screenshots?
Current RPG Making Projects:
Main projects: Eternia's Promise, demo out on
Desperation Of A New Era. Prolouges out, Part 1 out. Finally a game that I can
upload and complete.

Liberated Arms VX Ace Current Status: Cancelled. For now.

Dreamwalker VX Ace Current Status: Dead, unless it's restarted one day.

Story of Ligara: Dead. Again.

And my other thousand games...(not literally)
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What screenshots?
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Got any screen caps.?

edit: not only that, but atleast a link to the game? I could care less about the walkthrough if I can't even play it.
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That's the thing. I don't have any screenshots because I couldn't draw to save my life. I'm looking for someone who can draw characters and environments.
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Why're you posting the entire game's walkthrough and exp. chart if theres not even any of the game itself made?


What the fuck.
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Why're you posting the entire game's walkthrough and exp. chart if theres not even any of the game itself made?


What the fuck.

Yeah this is him trying to advertise to get people to essentially make his game for him.

It's pretty fucked up really.
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That's the thing. I don't have any screenshots because I couldn't draw to save my life. I'm looking for someone who can draw characters and environments.

Your deviantart page would beg to differ. Now, it's far from the most spectacular drawings I've ever seen, but you at least spend time making your drawings. I can at least tell that if you spent that kind of time/attention even trying to draw sprites or tiles pixel by pixel, they would look decent enough to work for this game (even if they aren't good enough in your personal opinion, you'll get over it).

If the design you are imagining requires so many graphics, that it would take you months at a time to make them all, then this isn't a game you should be making by yourself. And (I don't want to sound harsh when I say this, but) if this isn't a game you can make by yourself, then you simply should not be making this game in the first place.
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if this isn't a game you can make by yourself, then you simply should not be making this game in the first place.
With that sort of attitude, 99% of all computer and video games would not exist.
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Even if I could draw, there's not a single version of RPG Maker that would let me do the battle system the way I want it to. You can't make a grid-based system, you can't use the ^ operator, and you can't give monsters levels.
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if this isn't a game you can make by yourself, then you simply should not be making this game in the first place.
With that sort of attitude, 99% of all computer and video games would not exist.

You're comparing indie games and commercial games.  Seeing as how you aren't starting a company that's planning to hire coders, artists and whatnot full-time with a legitimate salary, you have to consider the indie perspective.  Which means either doing it yourself or having a project so fantastic that people are knocking down your door to work on it.  Most indie games are made by either an individual or a small tight-knit group of individuals. so unless you start making buddies that really want to help you you can't just come in and say "hey who wants to make this game for me???"  Game ideas are a dime a dozen, you're going to have to do more than just say you have ideas.  It means you've got to put forth work yourself, even if you just use placeholder graphics or sound or whatever, you've got to.

edit: feels weird to post in your other topic too so I'm going to reply to this here:

I'll be doing the writing, the dialogue, the level designs, the battle mechanics, the character and monster stats, all the items and their effects, the effects of all the skills...

You basically want someone to make your game for you because you can't be bothered to learn the guts of this stuff yourself.  Yes it's hard work to learn it, but if you want to make this game that's what you've gotta do.  People have been coming to GW since I joined asking people to make their games for them and I can't remember a single time where it worked out.  EVER.
Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 06:44:14 pm by Vellfire
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How exactly am I "having people make my game for me" when the graphics and sound and coding are the only things I am NOT doing? Who's going to design the battle system? Who's going to give all the characters and monsters all their abilities? Who's going to write all the dialogue and item descriptions? Who's going to fill out the item database? Who's going to design all the maps? Who's going to write the overarching story? I am; that's who.

I'm not an artist. I'm not a composer. I'm not a programmer. Though I've dabbled in all three of those things before, I am a designer and a writer.
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Designing and writing doesn't make a game.  It just makes a design.  Making the game itself is something you're asking someone else to do, and you're not likely to find anyone to do it.  It's easy to find someone who wants to design a game, it's hard to find someone who wants to program someone else's game for hours and hours upon end with no reward except saying "hey I did this".  Most people who are that interested in programming a game are doing it for themselves, not just looking around for some stranger to ask them to.
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That's why I'm looking to get someone interested in this project enough to want to work on it, by posting what I have written and designed. I'm hoping my story and system is good enough for a potential artist/composer/programmer to take interest.

Besides, I was only asking whether the story and system were any good. No one has said anything about that.
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How exactly am I "having people make my game for me" when the graphics and sound and coding are the only things I am NOT doing?

I love how you make it seem like you are doing most of the work just by the way you phrase the various tasks you refuse to do yourself. You really are telling the truth when you call yourself a writer. Have you ever wondered what percentage of the work that goes into building a house goes into designing and drawing out the architecture? Because that's the exact percentage of work on this game you are willing to own up to.

I'm not an artist. I'm not a composer. I'm not a programmer. Though I've dabbled in all three of those things before, I am a designer and a writer.

Are you trying to argue what it is that can only you can offer to a game's overall development?

Here is the sad, hard truth: Everyone is a designer.

You would have honestly been better off leaving that part off. The way I see it, a writer who does not call himself a designer (at least when wanting to write for video games) is 99% more rare to find than a writer who wants to design everything himself. Since that person is most certainly harder to come by than most writers, that writer is going to at least have a much better chance of getting on someone else's game design team.

a) Who's going to design the battle system?

b) Who's going to give all the characters and monsters all their abilities?

c) Who's going to fill out the item database?

d) Who's going to write all the dialogue and item descriptions?

e) Who's going to design all the maps?

f) Who's going to write the overarching story?

I don't like answering hypothetical questions, except when they are this easy:

a, c) the programmer
b, e) the artists
d, f) any writer that sees a team of programmers and artists already put together and wants to jump in on the action themselves

If there are even are people with those talents that have a slightest chance of assuming they need you at all, then the best you can hope for is competing with every other idea every other person without those talents has ever come up with.

I'm not an artist. I'm not a composer. I'm not a programmer. Though I've dabbled in all three of those things before, I am a designer and a writer.

It's good to say you've dabbled with those things, because it's all of what artists and programmers ever look for if they want to join a team. They have to be sure the work they put out will actually result in a game getting made, even if they have other team-members that are forced to drop out of the project. This is why it is critically important to assure them that even if you are the last person working on the project by himself, that the project will still result in a completed game.

Even if you are 100% sure this project is impossible to make by yourself, then at least make a different game. One that you know you could make all by yourself. That really makes all the difference in the world to those kind of people, and it makes all the random rpg systems and intricate back-stories seem arbitrary and worthless. Prove to these people whose help you need to make this game, that if they agree to offer their assistance to you for free, that they actually have a chance of seeing your game get made because of it. Even if you've only made one game before, even a simple one that has got the shittiest graphics you can imagine, showing people what you have already done this will set yourself apart from at least 96% of the folk that come around these places offering the exact same thing you have already offered countless times before.
Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 04:03:13 pm by EvilDemonCreature
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Here is the sad, hard truth: Everyone is a designer.

Wrong. Everyone might think they're a designer, but thinking and being are two different things (sorry Descartes).

Designing a game and designing a good game are different things. Coming from a place where designers are seemingly a dime a dozen has made a lot of us devalue what designers do, which is facilitate an enormously important aspect of the game. Coding is, of course, extremely important as well: without the code, there is no game. But coding is less about personal flare and more about learned skill. A good game designer is much more rare.

Also, EDC, hiring a skilled architect is a fundamental aspect of building a house or building. Perhaps the percentage of actual manual labor is dramatically different, but how many construction workers are there for every skilled architect? Look at the differences in pay. Your metaphors are always awful and self-defeating, EDC. Maybe don't use them in your arguments?

Programmers don't (outside of the indie field where multiple things are done by the same person) design the battle system. They program it. If you don't know the difference you are dumb. Artists don't write pages and pages of descriptions. There are artists who are writers, but most don't explain every piece of art with a story. They let the drawing do the talking, yeah? They also aren't scenario designers. Watch the credits of any RPG and you will see a long list of people who's only role it is to create the maps and fill them with interesting details. Those aren't the artists. Hell, 3D artists usually work off of 2D concepts drawn by other people. Why would they suddenly jump in and design all the maps and locations, as well?

To sum up: Never listen to EDC. He usually spouts nonsense. Listen to Velfarre, though, she knows what she is talking about. Of course, EDC did raise one good point: As a writer or a designer, you're much more likely to find a team if you attach yourself to someone else's vision. As the writer, you can take their idea and make it your own (in a "we're a team now!" sort of way and not in a "I stole your idea, bye" sort of way). Design should almost always be shared in indie games, since it is extremely important that every member of the team is making a game they will want to play at the end.
Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 06:24:55 pm by Kaempfer
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How exactly am I "having people make my game for me" when the graphics and sound and coding are the only things I am NOT doing?

I can see what hes trying to say here, but it dosnt make this statement any less funny. Quite an unfortunate way to put it, but at least it made me laugh.

Good luck finding a team dude, I have a feeling may need it.
Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 07:49:55 pm by Maxximum
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I DO have a complete game made, and would like to present it, but I can't find a place to upload it, or a way to fix a bug.
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I DO have a complete game made, and would like to present it, but I can't find a place to upload it, or a way to fix a bug.

you can't take a screenshot and upload it to photobucket or something?




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