hey guys. i've always wanted to go in to medicine as a career, and i want to have a basic understanding of it before i really start studying it. anybody know of a good textbook/non-fiction book (or books) of an overview of medicine? biology/chemistry/biochemistry/pharmacology/anatomy etc. i guess i'm kind of looking for a "An Incomplete Education" but for the medical field. any direction would be helpful.
If you're looking for advice on whether or not the medical field would be right for you, then I would advise you to associate yourself with someone who is already in the field that understands what it took to get there, the obstacles you encounter, and other pertinent information. In general, interacting with other people usually plays a central part in medicine, so it helps to be a natural caretaker who can communicate well, and cope with all aspects of health that can be thrown at you. Truthfully, though, medicine is so diverse and you could just opt to be a researcher instead of working in a clinic which is more suitable for someone who may not have a high tolerance for blood/guts or the general public. And be prepared to excel in school, because you have to earn good grades while having a rigorous courseload thrown at you, in order to weed out those who aren't as dedicated from those who are. Also, like others said, you could just get your feet wet to begin to decide if it's something that you'd want to consider as a career. The best way to do this is to find a job that requires little schooling, so that you don't waste several years only to decide that it's not something you'd continue to enjoy doing.
Search around for an online forum that caters to people who are studying to enter a career in medicine or are already in one, and don't be afraid to ask questions because they are much more likely to help you than most of us would. Another thing, you may want to pick up a prep book for standardized tests such as the PCAT or MCAT from your local bookstore or online retailer such as Amazon. This should provide you with some insight into the information that medical students have to know to be admitted to their respective schools, although they still are just prep books for tests that cover several subjects, so they don't go very in-depth.