this topic might be silly since it's essentially about ethics and it's on the internet, BUT, how do you feel about reading people?
i study psychology, and when i mention this the standard response is "hope you're not reading my mind" or something similar. i tend to be pensive about sharing this, people stop talking to you at parties etc. just in case. anyway a bus driver sparked up some awkward small talk with me, and when i said i did psychology the conversation went like this:
"oh, you need psychology in this world, to be able to read people"
"oh we don't actually read people like that, what little i can do i deliberately don't use"
"why not?"
"i think it sets up a power difference and it's kinda abusive"
"everyone else is trying to read everyone else anyway, you'd just be better at it. there'd only be a power difference because you're better then them, but by not using it you're still saying you're better than them, you just have no practical basis for it"
"you have given me a lot to think about"
or something to that extent. currently i deliberately avoid psychoanalysing people, or analysing people at all. how do you guys feel about analysing other people? ethically? would you mind if your friend was analysing you?