If I gave off the impression that I thought they were bad I apologize. I was merely saying I just didn't really get it. And I did read the catamite's post, but I thought that was more helpful to people who already liked them but didn't know much of their stuff as opposed to someone who didn't really understand them but wanted to try. I'm assuming Daydream Nation would be the best place for me to start, but as I've heard some stuff from that and still was kind of "meh" towards I was just asking if there was a better option for people like me.
ugh i came off bit of a dick unintentionally so sorry! i really haven't listened to sonic youth like AT ALL, two songs off from confusion is sex and long time ago couple songs off from daydream nation and i was underwhelmed of the pop.
let me explain why i did what i did: to me, it sounded like you had a prejudice on an artist/band + were lost with the band’s big discography so you asked us to ‘prove you wrong’ to put it jokingly heh and that's fair game since these hoodlums know their sonic youth.
except that… the only way to ‘make you like it’ would be by showing something from them that was more in YOUR area of good musicality eg. more conventional sense of melodiness? or alternatively get confirmation that you are right about your hunch. prejudiced expectations based on to sticking to your sense of what is good music too much. cognitive dissonance... so i made a lazy & harmless jokepost about this. didn't mean it to be the shitty gw elite flaming or whatever!
this is not to say that you can’t like music your way (however you can even determine it) and of course DragonSlayer is dead-on about forcing to like stuff (basically breastfeeding opinions without putting effort into thinking of them (steel says…)) but a lot of what MAKES music worthwhile is perceptions and seeing into other people’s views - through songs and discussions - and to relate to them. likewise, a lot of good/worthwhile music discussion is usually about seeing into other people’s perception of things and to learn from them. music is… mutually benefiting for all sides I suppose!
but a lot of this is pretty redundant anyways because you already pointed out that you just haven't listened to them much and that the initial impression wasn't good or that you possibly didn't understand what you heard. if you want to understand, catamites' post is still pretty good regardless since despite popularity (with their more accesible records) sonic youth is good! adhsdghasgh aaaaaaa whatever in reality ramci reflected and saw him in you, dissing david bowie and i was like no...NO...GRUNT.... *mucles bulge*