Topic: Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (Read 851 times)

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any game where you can play as MODAK deserves a good handshake.
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Marvel is apparently being real assholes about who they let be put in the game, Capcom had to beg and plead to get Shuma Gorath as DLC.
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Frank West was suppose to be in this but he got the ax.
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there were a bunch of stories when smash bros came out that capcom was trying hard for a character but nintendo refused because they didn't give exclusivity to wii with resident evil 4.
i am very not surprised they dropped the ball with the roster, capcom is really great at making games at 90%
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Apparently they want each character to have a distinct playstyle of their own, and to actually be useful. Basically they don't want agigantic roster which boils down to about 12 usable characters, like MvC2 had. That's probably the driving reason behind a lot of people's favourites not getting in.

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I'm kinda bummed out to see that Mega Man isn't included in this iteration.  Oh well, still picking up my pre-order on release day.
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He's definitely going to be future DLC, I'm guessing this game will double it's roster within a year or 2.
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I hope it doesn't really. They went for a quantity over quality approach with the characters in the last MvC game and it showed.

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I hope it doesn't really. They went for a quantity over quality approach with the characters in the last MvC game and it showed.

But if they're releasing characters as DLC that means that they'll be able to take their time doing them.  Quantity and quality aren't mutually exclusive nowadays, you can get a certain number of characters done properly in time for the actual release then add whoever you didn't have time for later.  I'm still holding out for Phoenix Wright in the long run since they didn't get time to add him to Tatsunoko vs Capcom.

But Arthur is in this and there's the potential for Red Arremer to end up in it too so I'm content with just that.
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Haven't gotten to play online yet but unlocked everyone nondlc. Games fun, they dumbed it down control wise. you got your light medium and heavy, but they are 1 button each (instead of 2 [kick][punch] like the older mvc's). Launching for air combos' been made simpler too; everyones got the same launch button (A on the 360). Dante is overpowered, Hulk has been given a lot of steroids and Haggar is beast.
Still....after a long time of playing mvc3, you can't help but go back to the second one lol. I guess I had very high expectations of this game. Everythings been made easier, and the character list has been shortened. Good game nonetheless.
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Online seems pretty solid.  Played a few rounds and only had to deal with one lagger (and he was also a trash talker who ragequit, go figure).  Aside from that, everything has felt really smooth and streamlined.

I guess Capcom finally realized their errors with the SSFIV online interface.
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I think SSFIV online was better because you could actually watch matches. And from all that I hear online is pretty shit at the moment most of the time.
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Yeah, I didn't even realize that spectator mode was cut until just a few minutes ago.  :<  That's kind of a lame decision, on their part, but still, I've yet to have bad online experiences except for one isolated issue.
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Yeah and they said lobbies will be better in the future. I'm kind of contemplating getting a tournament edition fight stick but they are 130 bones and apparently they go on sale all the time.
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Hopefully that's the case.  I guess last night I got a taste of day 4 online compared to day 1 online.  People actually were willing to try out different characters on day 1, now it's all Sentinel and Phoenix.  ~_~  Delightful.