You claim that RM is not bad, then you say it can be used to make literally one thing with maybe a few customizations and a vast majority of stuff made with it is made entirely for the person making it and not at all with anybody else in mind. I don't know about you, but that doesn't even come close to clearing my bar for good.
I didn't say it can be used to make literally one thing with maybe a few customizations. It was designed for one thing and when people used it for that they got shafted. Seems silly to me. I used to maker to design a Zelda style game, a card game, an arcade-style shooter (although mouse control would have drastically improved that), a classic room-to-room murder adventure game (almost done), as well as a classic style RPG with a few handy innovations that the maker is easily equipped for (current project). It is capable of more but not everyone has the skills (main reason) to use it for more and again, some people want to stick to the classics. My current project I am making for me because I'm having a lot of fun making it. That doesn't mean I'm not challenging myself to be innovative and to make it very enjoyable for others. But if I put it out there and you hate it, I'm not going to be upset about it because at least I had fun doing it. If I was making a game for you and I put it out there after a year or two of working on it and you hated it, where do I go from there? What a waste of time if I didn't even have fun making it. So no, its not made entirely for the person making it but that is the first audience (regardless of the maker you use). If I was working for Bungie, EA, Bethesda or any other company my first priority would be making a game I like too, seeing as I'm a gamer.
On the subject of the RM community: If all you want to do with an internet forum is post a game you make entirely for yourself using ripped (illegal) resources and expect everybody else to love and adore unconditionally and actively avoid interaction with the other sections of the forum, you are definitionally an asocial bottom feeder. This is not even debatable.
There are plenty of free-to-use legal resources available out there. Some custom, some modified. It is true there are some illegal ones too and it seemed people usually went for these because they got shit on for using RTP graphics which come free with the program and are free to use. People didn't want to see RTP all the time and not everyone can do custom graphics, thus illegal graphics were used. If you think a new person to the forum could get custom graphics made for his new game he/she's starting then you are living in a dream world. Without proof of something substantial and/or previous (awesome) games it was impossible to recruit help. Fact. And people would get shit on again for asking and not providing proof they will finish the game and make it worth the time of said artists. Fair enough for an artist to not want to waste their time, but then don't expect every game to have unique graphics either. I'm not sure what you mean by, "and expect everybody else to love and adore unconditionally and actively avoid interaction with the other sections of the forum." I guess whatever you mean here makes us asocial bottom feeders. Saying, "This is not even debatable" does not make it so.
Subject of innovation: Yes, I get that there are people that WANT to stick to the classic idea. The problem is that there were several instances where people would try to do something innovative and it would immediately get buried under all the other garbage, so eventually they just stopped trying. There's nothing wrong with embracing the classic idea, but you can't embrace it to the exclusion of nearly everything else. And, yeah, I remember the "exceed the limitations" contests. Those were great. Why didn't anybody go on to using game makers that don't HAVE those arbitrary limitations, though? Because every single time anybody did, it got buried. Your community was a self-destructive mess and nearly everybody that tried to change that got curbstomped by the circlejerk.
Nobody stopped trying. Some people went to other forums (it happens), some people kept trying (myself included). When you say "garbage" is it because you don't like it? Well, you can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time. If you want really mature game devs than perhaps you should make people have to be 21+ to join the forum. Fact is this is (or was) mostly young kids just trying to have fun. I don't know if you have kids but if you do or ever do, I hope you don't tell them their stuff is garbage when they bring a finger painting home for you in kindergarten. Why can you not embrace the classic idea to the exclusion of nearly everything else? Sure you can invite other ideas in but when the majority is sticking to that idea then why alienate them? Obviously they are more active anyway. You say "your community." If you weren't active in it or didn't want part in it then why do you care? People doing what they love is not a self-destructive mess. The people in G&D were generally liking the way things were. The people outside of G&D seen the board as inadequate. That sounds like an issue for the other people not for G&D. Why not make an RM board and a separate board for other engines? Oh, they did. What happened? The other boards where not active enough. Shocking. So that's RM's fault.
Subject of new concepts: If the maker isn't designed to accommodate for new concepts, it's a shitty maker. Plain and simple. New concepts are the lifeblood of game development, amateur or not. Hell, especially amateur game development.
Its not that it isn't designed to accommodate for new concepts. Its just that it was designed for a classic RPG (which in itself can be quite broad). If it does what it was designed to do then it is NOT a shitty maker. In fact, that makes it a great maker. If it couldn't do what it was designed for it would be a shitty maker. It's like you want to pick up PS controller and play a Nintendo game. The PS controller wasn't made for it. Lets call a carrot peeler a blender and then say it makes a shitty carrot peeler because it doesn't blend. I agree the games should have original and unique ideas, but they can do that in the "limitations" of RM. Most people were working on their first game however, and the focus was on learning/playing around with it rather than making a game properly (which is more work than fun a lot of the time).
Games without ripped content: I never said everybody should be pixel artists. I don't believe everybody should be pixel artists. Communities are formed by people with similar interests and differing talents. Leverage the pixel artists already in your community properly, foster an open community that helps include them and attracts more of them, and they WILL come, and they will create resources for you. Same with musicians, same with programmers, same with every single aspect of game development. If you make a community that's satisfied using ripped resources, only one very limited maker, and doesn't make an effort to recruit people who can change this, you aren't going to attract anybody but exactly the people who are already there, and you're never going to get the kind of people you should be looking for. Also: I would MUCH rather play somebody's shitty MS Paint RPG adventure that they made all of the resources for even if they aren't very good than a game built entirely on ripped resources. At least it shows they give enough of a shit about their game to try their hand at a new skill.
I didn't say you said everybody should be pixel artists. That was just a minor comment to say not everyone can make their own graphics. "Leverage the pixel artists already in your community properly." I saw a lot of requests for help but unless you "proved" yourself by already releasing a game there was little hope to get any serious help. "If you make a community that's satisfied using ripped resources..." Nobody made a community like that. Perhaps the community came together like that because of similar interests. That does support your theory. So if they had similar interests and they were a community, then why bash them and tell them they're doing it wrong? "You aren't going to attract anybody but exactly the people who are already there." Again, similar interests. It seems to me that you just didn't like the people that where there. That sounds like a you problem. "You're never going to get the kind of people you should be looking for." There you go alienating the active community again. If you don't want those type of people why not just delete G&D and put a board up called "Every Maker But RM"? You might like a shitty MS Paint RPG as you call it, but other people like other things. There are games posted in G&D now that I think look like absolute stupid shit thrown together without a thought of innovation, creativity, or skill involved. It looks more like they just wanted something different (like yourself) but didn't think it through. I hate these games. However, some people here like them. Personally I'd take a classic RPG over those games any day. I feel like you and I are in a different time. I'm in 2010 where people realize they can have their own opinions, original thoughts, ideas, likes and dislikes. You seem to be in 1950 where everybody needs to think what they are told to think. Why is it so bad for you (and others in GW) to have to put up with some things you don't like?