Topic: Post a screenshot (Read 23724 times)

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this is how it read to me when i skimmed quickly and it took me a second to realize coz it seemed only natural within the context of screenshot...

I actually laughed out loud at that.
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Video of Waters Edge!

So what have I been up to:

* Implemented a running system into DT which looks very nice if I say so myself.
* Finished up some sprites but am looking for help making battle characters as I suck at animating and creating the necessary sprites for animating.
* Reworked the story so it comes across better.
* Added a new video of the area Waters Edge(That's not the whole area, just some of it)
* Two new screenshots and a revised older one which you can all gawk at.
* Haven't started yet but will be redoing like the first hour or so of the game to match up with newly written story.
* What started out as a simple experience is slowly becoming more so, which I like and regret at the same time.

If I'm being perfectly honest here.. I don't work on the game as much as I used to. Ever since I got my diploma I've been trying to either focus on work or getting ready for next years course which is much harder and a lot more serious. Have no fear I will be updating, well at least trying to more often.

Thanks for looking and check out the new stuff!

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hey buddies and buddets, still working on the game and stuff. here's a screen, a saltw exclusive if you will

another saltw exclusive maybe one day i'll show ya'll some finished art work instead of this wip shit. this is for baby pictures in Dingis' house. If you use the look icon on them, you'll get a closer look at dingis' childhood(thats him at like 10 yo. yep something must be wrong with me) but yeat still making game taking forever but I NEED to add as much unnecessary shit as possible like the soda machine I'm 75% done programming
also catamites that's what I'd want my game to look like in 3d! so stylish bro
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I think earlier versions of the game's screens looked better. The viewer's eye bounces around this one like it's trapped in a pinball machine caught up in a twister, just trying to find something to latch onto. When the image finally stays put long enough to parse, all of the soft edges and blurred components clash with the hard edges of the character.

I do like the icons for the user interface though!
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And that's when I decided to become a barber.

"*sniff* your work, just inspires me to become a better lover." - Brent Murray.
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pst sok that post/piccies are work of art, make no mistake... silence does not mean negative necessarily, those rules...
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Thanks Bonzai!

I figured I'd show progress of my horror game, so here Mary finds a message from Greed near her throne.

And that's when I decided to become a barber.

"*sniff* your work, just inspires me to become a better lover." - Brent Murray.
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hey thanks killer worlf, I appreciate that bit of info. however, what you described is exactly what I'm going for with the overall aesthetic of the backgrounds in this particular game. I want the player to be as overwhelmed by shit as Dingis is by his own world. while no danger or threat of death is present in the game(related to gameplay, for the story that's a different matter), Dingis' is a nerdy pussy with a lot of anxeity caused by how he perceives his reality. that screen should be especially visually confusing considering the placement of it in the story of the game. the whole purpose of this screen is just for scenery, to hammer home the feeling of a suburban neighborhood. I will post a finished version of the screen, to see if you think it's any better or not. And I'm happy you like the UI stuff, thanks! :D

and bonzai thank you for such nice words man, I think you've earned a spot in the credits under special thanks(also if you want to contribute an idea for an npc I am open too, drop me a pm, still have lots of npc spots to fill in the game :P )

also big T, I have to say I quite like that video. the idea of having writing written on the screen on the top and bottom is actually a really clever idea. by starting the sentence on the top, it makes the player wander across the screen out of curiosity to the right. then, in order to make sense of the sentence, they wander back to the left. its like you're forcing players unknowingly to walk to the right, and to the left again! this could be a powerful thing for a survival horror type game. the player is going in the direction you want them to, at there own free will because they have to read the writting. holy shit you could put like a crazy pop scare or something when they cross a certain point on the left, or make a character appear on the left side of the map that wasn't there before... I just might have to steal this idea for something later ;)
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Rainfall: The Sojourn

The girl on the far left is the protagonist, Talyssa. One of the themes in this game is that the world is changing in an abstract manner. Humans turning into monsters, animals becoming "weird". The screen above, the deer is mortally wounded and as it's drinking the water... The blood (more like ooze) sprouts life in the stream, the flowers.

Most of the characters in the game have their own lives / motives. However, the main plot is the investigation of these strange events. There is a parallel story that is that unfolds that help provide an explanation as well.

Talyssa travels with a little girl seen in the last screen I posted. People with the same motivations as you join your party, some of the party members that join you are more integral while others only join temporarily.

If you're interested in learning more about the project, I made a site / blog thingy. As of this post it's missing a sidebar with some important links, so I decided to just talk about it a little bit in this post.
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pros: the whole background,color shading etc.

cons: animu designs though the deer is surprisingly not animu

the other screen on your site is good too reminds of Paladin's Quest the only game I respect next to Earthbound
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Not really seeing the anime part tbh. Glad you like it though.
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Yeah the two characters on your website are super anime. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Did you draw them yourself?

What platform are you using?
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I thought it looked pretty unique as the lineart is traditional while the rest is mostly digital. The faces aren't really anime in my opinion, but if you don't really like the look then no worries, it's not really incorporated in the game all that much.

Another artist did the character art Belross, this is slated to be a PC game at the moment with the future goal of porting to mobile. There are a few features I want to flesh out and I don't really want to make a mobile game atm.

By the way here is the REAL anime art LOL
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Don't get me wrong, I think it looks good. What Ragnar was oh-so-gently suggesting was that it has a very jRPG feel to it. The character designs in particular, especially the faces, are pretty heavily influenced by anime/manga. That's not necessarily a bad thing - the screenshots are very reminiscent of Secret of Mana, which is always a favorable comparison.

I look forward to playing a demo if you ever put it out - what's the combat like? Is it action RPG or turn-based?
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Action RPG, going for a nice pace between story segments, natural puzzles (I.E: Not ground spikes in the middle of nowhere), and cool action battle encounters.
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holy molly I can't wait until rainfall comes out. To me the characters look more like square soft/enix kind of stuff(well, anything that doesn't involve tetsuya namura that is). like the chick with the sword looks like an ff12, which I think is great. I love the designs on both of them. But I really like that sword girl. The outfit makes sense, and isn't revealing at all, just form fitting. it shows strength and beauty in unison. fantastic!
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also big T, I have to say I quite like that video. the idea of having writing written on the screen on the top and bottom is actually a really clever idea. by starting the sentence on the top, it makes the player wander across the screen out of curiosity to the right. then, in order to make sense of the sentence, they wander back to the left. its like you're forcing players unknowingly to walk to the right, and to the left again! this could be a powerful thing for a survival horror type game. the player is going in the direction you want them to, at there own free will because they have to read the writting. holy shit you could put like a crazy pop scare or something when they cross a certain point on the left, or make a character appear on the left side of the map that wasn't there before... I just might have to steal this idea for something later ;)

Thank you Kings! It is a horror game and yes, I plan on adding that if you stay too long reading the mesasge, something will pop up. ;) Or someone may appear... Who was not there before.

I have wanted to update the intro to Little Girl That Could for ages. So, I did.  Includes talks with Lazrael to give more insight about the discussions with him.

And that's when I decided to become a barber.

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A new project im working on, still working on the design though
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A new project im working on, still working on the design though

Looks good
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mm8x, that's some snazzy stuff! what kind of game will it be(I'm guessing a tactical kind of thing?)
and uh, hey I remember saying I'd post when that one background was finished. well it's not finished but it's getting close(these things take awhile! mostly because I work on them and drop em for a couple days/weeks... months and come back to them again). and if anyone is interested, here's a little like... process of it all. a lot happens between the first two but let me assure you that in between the sketch and this it looked like shit. I have the original sketch for almost all my bgs so if for whatever reason you peeps want to see more let know