*warning warning nudity!*
thought i'd post how I start and finish a bg. this is for the casino really close to the end of the game....

in game version w/o the bells n whistles. I'm going to add scrolling text to the machine in the middle that says something like "Hey!" then "Hey! You!" then "Yes! You!" then it would repeat that a couple times, then if you stay on screen long enough it'll say some cryptic shit. plus the screens of the slot machines would flicker very subtlely.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20855857/screensshit/Music39.ogg*casino muzik*
edit: oh yeah hobo2 that's sexy as helllllll!
catamites, woah woah now are those mice 3d models? so beauty :0
helloween, I like the transitions and the menu looks really sleek, especially in motion. easy to read, easy on the eyes, and has a nice, uniform structure to it.