This concept doesn't really jibe well with what telecommunication and media giants want the internet to look like. The big fear is that there will be a "tiered" internet with a "fast lane" where certain sites or devices can be accessed super-quick so long as both the consumer and the site pay the ISP for the privilege to be on the 'fast' internet. Everything else will be throttled by the ISP to allow "premium-net" subscribers super quick access to high-def celebrity pics or On-Demand Entourage reruns on their ipads while taking a dump.
they would basically erase the reason I love the internet like the more I internet and the more I watch TV it feels like TV was always just... how much is actually good entertainment and HEY LOOK WE HAVE A MEDIUM WHERE WE CAN SHOW THINGS like I'm worried a complete genre of shows like America's Funniest Home Videos would be ruined for me now if I were to watch it today. But yeah also I think like we're moving away from an age where everyone just watches channel 2 or channel 7 and puts up with whatever's on, I actually sort of HOPE this anyway I hate how for anything to end up on TV it has to appeal to like a million people enough that they'd watch it in the first place is basically better than anything on TV/in the movies right now don't try and deny it
like anybody have any realistic assessment of how scared/unscared TV companies are of the internet. Because like even with Craigslist I go hunting for garage sales sometimes and like the classified sections seem like such a racket now lolol little Timmy can advertise his lemonade stand... if he pays $500 (probably not that expensive). And also Project Gutenberg basically the only thing holding back something similar to Project Gutenberg before was like PAPER (cost of paper/ink) from the sound of it. (I remember I bought a copy of Dracula from Barnes and Noble one time for like $19.95 with some shitty glossy cover basically maybe they didn't even have to pay for rights to the story fancy cover was the only expense?? fffff you Barnes and Noble) Like eccentric billionaire could've printed out free copies of some random book and littered the streets with it I guess this happens with BIBLE chinese communist manifesto but not like real books that weren't written by flying spaghetti monster. Why aren't all books free yet
also I'm assuming it does work out better with running a server uses up less power/resources than printing press/transportation of books/cutting trees for book even if one is more overtly ELECTRIC. Like even including the cost of running a screen to read book on. Are Kindle-type things actually energy-efficient at all I noticed the charge is measured by how many PAGE TURNS it can do without the battery running out