Topic: What's on your mind 2010 the Next Generation (Read 170357 times)

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ask him to point out to you in the bill being proposed where it says the government is 'taking over' the internet. I also think that your father is confused as to what "net neutrality" is because it's not a bill or law or anything, it's the concept that when consumers subscribe to use the internet, they are entitled to use their allotted bandwidth how they like without certain services or devices being throttled or blocked.

This concept doesn't really jibe well with what telecommunication and media giants want the internet to look like. The big fear is that there will be a "tiered" internet with a "fast lane" where certain sites or devices can be accessed super-quick so long as both the consumer and the site pay the ISP for the privilege to be on the 'fast' internet. Everything else will be throttled by the ISP to allow "premium-net" subscribers super quick access to high-def celebrity pics or On-Demand Entourage reruns on their ipads while taking a dump. It's pretty understandable why a company like Comcast would want this because premium cable television packages are on the decline and more people are getting their media online... How do you think they feel about a competing company like Netflix or Apple stealing their customers and making so much money off of their infrastructure? That's great for consumers because we get to choose how we use our service and there's relatively equality in terms of accessibility of information... It's not so great for telecommunications giants who see it all in terms of potential profit. Plus it's not like it's possible for the market to correct this, in most places the cable company is the only game it town with a complete monopoly on the infrastructure, doing away with net neutrality is just a scheme to suck more money out of consumers.
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or maybe you could take this route:

don't discuss politics with your parents.
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is Roman still around wiith a different name
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i remember him posting a couple of months ago still under the name roman so i think he is seldom around.
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or maybe you could take this route:

don't discuss politics with your parents.

This is sound advice. Parents act normal until politics gets out the bag and turns everyone into a raving loonie.
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yay, only a couple more tacks to do and ill have another album done :D
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I think things are OK with my work for now- I called to double check my schedule and the boss knows I have a schedule book to write tings down in. I'll still need to be careful though.

Spent the night at my Grenadians' house and got to see them and my uncle who'd come ni from Tucson. Gave and received presents.

My housemate has alist of a few othe rplace,s burt I dont think she panse to jump lease...

I'l have to go back and finish Sekai sometime soon, especially as I'm wondering whether our heroes' powers are also tied to Rainbow Sprinkle.
Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 07:36:47 pm by Terrorantula
Everyone has the right to be himself; wise men know how to,when, and whether to navigate the boundary between their rights and those of others when they collide.
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Also, gunna release a 2 disk compilation of electronic and cosmic meditation music. That's where You'll find some drones(Ragnar, I know youre interested) and stuff. The lead track, Mantra of the stars, is 25 minutes of otherworldly drones.
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Do you need any additional samples? I have a few  I've made on hand including one that sounds vaguely like a whale.
Everyone has the right to be himself; wise men know how to,when, and whether to navigate the boundary between their rights and those of others when they collide.
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This concept doesn't really jibe well with what telecommunication and media giants want the internet to look like. The big fear is that there will be a "tiered" internet with a "fast lane" where certain sites or devices can be accessed super-quick so long as both the consumer and the site pay the ISP for the privilege to be on the 'fast' internet. Everything else will be throttled by the ISP to allow "premium-net" subscribers super quick access to high-def celebrity pics or On-Demand Entourage reruns on their ipads while taking a dump.

they would basically erase the reason I love the internet like the more I internet and the more I watch TV it feels like TV was always just... how much is actually good entertainment and HEY LOOK WE HAVE A MEDIUM WHERE WE CAN SHOW THINGS like I'm worried a complete genre of shows like America's Funniest Home Videos would be ruined for me now if I were to watch it today. But yeah also I think like we're moving away from an age where everyone just watches channel 2 or channel 7 and puts up with whatever's on, I actually sort of HOPE this anyway I hate how for anything to end up on TV it has to appeal to like a million people enough that they'd watch it in the first place

this is basically better than anything on TV/in the movies right now don't try and deny it

like anybody have any realistic assessment of how scared/unscared TV companies are of the internet. Because like even with Craigslist I go hunting for garage sales sometimes and like the classified sections seem like such a racket now lolol little Timmy can advertise his lemonade stand... if he pays $500 (probably not that expensive). And also Project Gutenberg basically the only thing holding back something similar to Project Gutenberg before was like PAPER (cost of paper/ink) from the sound of it. (I remember I bought a copy of Dracula from Barnes and Noble one time for like $19.95 with some shitty glossy cover basically maybe they didn't even have to pay for rights to the story fancy cover was the only expense?? fffff you Barnes and Noble) Like eccentric billionaire could've printed out free copies of some random book and littered the streets with it I guess this happens with BIBLE chinese communist manifesto but not like real books that weren't written by flying spaghetti monster. Why aren't all books free yet

also I'm assuming it does work out better with running a server uses up less power/resources than printing press/transportation of books/cutting trees for book even if one is more overtly ELECTRIC. Like even including the cost of running a screen to read book on. Are Kindle-type things actually energy-efficient at all I noticed the charge is measured by how many PAGE TURNS it can do without the battery running out
Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 09:31:32 pm by Ragnar
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So basically no street riots this year. *sigh*
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Fortunately our IRC bot is back now.
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matt damon
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Yeah my dad is uhhh... very stubborn about politics. Hell, he's stubborn about everything. He could be utterly and obviously wrong, and will still adamantly stick to his original position. Like, I've brought essentially proof to him before, that didn't work. I think it because he believes he can't afford to be seen as wrong, because if he's seen as wrong once, that might lead to me questioning him later. Basically, for most of my childhood he's essentially attempted to push the idea that he was infallible.

He's not stupid though. Or at least he wasn't stupid before, his over drinking might have changed that to a degree though.

My mom is basically the opposite. Much more open minded and down to earth. Though she "flip Flops" left and right thinking arguably to easily.

I myself find myself not quite leaning in any direction. I haven't looked into economics (of my own independent look) enough to form an all encompassing and CERTAIN opinion on the topic(s) of economics. I've heard plenty of OTHER people's opinions though and some of their reasons and rational for their choice. But it's all just hearsay unless they provide sources. And even then, multiple sources can be outdated, un-reputable, or misquoted.

On an unrelated note, FINALS ARE KICKING MY ASS.
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matt damon

make that the wikipedia photo for matt damon
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make that the wikipedia photo for matt damon

how about you do it...

no balls no balls you won't
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On an unrelated note, FINALS ARE KICKING MY ASS.
me too. :( i forgot how hard school is.

BUT, I think I'm putting in too much effort. I came to one of my professors' office to show her my progress on this final project paper and express some concern about my progress and she laughed at me, showed me some of the other students' work(it's all public on this weird online system every class seems to try to use), and told me I was way ahead of the curve and have nothing to worry about. It's like I'm a golden child in most of my classes simply because I give a shit, ask questions, and have an opinion about things.
Last Edit: December 07, 2010, 01:22:11 pm by DietCoke
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So I only use my car radio with my ipod tuner, but it gets too much static when I'm in town so I mostly just use it on the interstate. That means that when I get in the car, if I don't have a CD in I get some local radio station. The last few times I got in my car I have heard this preacher preaching the bits of the bible about how women should serve their men and remain silent in the church and all those things MOST modern Christians ignore now. It wasn't just once, this has been several days in a row he's talked about this subject and it cracks me up every morning.
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I'm pretty sure a father somewhere at one time or another had said to his child, "I fucked your mom last night har har"