jamie i have a question for you (unrelated to topic) and everyone i have a question for you (slightly topic related)
jamie: do you have any relatives that live in nottingham? i swear this one guy shops at my shop and he has your exact accent and looks like you if you were 50 or 60 or something. just wondering whether to be like "have a nice day mr. sime lol" to freak him out (no thats just mean)
everyone: you guys talk about being in big long serious relationships and then breaking up and stuff, and it worries me because i am in a big serious relationship but its like, it doesn't feel like i'm 'going out' with her its just... who i am. we are together and that is all. i take it as given that we will spend the rest of our life together. we are getting a place together and we will get married and stuff. she feels the same and its like... were you guys in 'relationships' like this or were they different? i dont wanna lose this, but i really can't see it happening, ever.
on topic shiz: my girlfriend wants sex more than i do. i dunno if i'm less sex orientated or she is extra sexloving or what. maybe both. i dont turn it down though.
Me n my ex broke up. and i told her the truth bout whole Polygamous fun at the very start or our relationship (see waayyyy back for this in another topic.)
We lived together with another roommate and became inseparable. but trust me, shit can happen you can lose, but you can also Gain..
This Relationship was pretty steady and was 2yrs hard up. no other play no nothing (the polygamy was when we where dating. s'all cool)