Topic: treesock (Read 2700 times)

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something happened with despain in like 2008, and then it got brought up again several months ago and people could remember that something happened but no one could remember what. he definitely didn't get run out recently, at least not in the forums I read

and anyway these days we've got a lot of people who'd step in if something like that started to happen and not a whole lot of people (maybe none) who'd participate
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jesus.  no, not egocentric - just half-serious and a little hyperbolic.  more than thinking "oh god she's dead" i was hoping anyone knew if she was okay or happy at all.

with that said, ryan's predictably sarcastic post is still on the dumb side.  also, fairly reductive; this community was never primarily about game making, or even video games in general.  there were a lot of people for whom gw was a place they came, and stayed, because it offered something they couldn't find elsewhere.  there was no shortage of people around in the past who viewed gw as a bastion of identification, or as a sanctuary of sorts.  it shouldn't be all that difficult to understand that for kids who couldn't seem to connect with the people around them, at school or wherever else, and were dealing with the loneliness and alienation this comes with, a place like gw, that was welcoming and full of people like them with the same interests or perspectives or whatever, might have seemed like something of a haven.  call it just a videogame forum if you want, but recognize that this is you intentionally diminishing what it was for the sake of your boring one-liner.  videogame forum or not, it was a community, home to many people who couldn't seem to find one elsewhere, with all the significance that entails.

so no, not actually nailbiting over whether or not she's dead, but in all honesty i wouldn't have been surprised if she was when i made this topic.  to reiterate, this isn't about her leaving gw, per se.  when i knew her, she was depressed and clearly extremely lonely.  and again, had a notgood home/school life.  she told me she multiple times she didn't really have any friends or anyone to talk to at all in her life aside from gw people.  this is what bothered me.  given our conversations, the strange way in which they unfolded, the way she responded to her own problems, and her disquieting, highly emotional attachment to a series of one-dimensional anime characters, it didn't take much hindsight for me to see that she was struggling, and in need of help, professional or otherwise.  thinking about all this, and about what it means gw might have meant to her, yes, it does trouble me what we might have inadvertently taken from her when we drove her out.  i wouldn't want to take that from anybody, let alone someone like her.  there is a lot of value in that.  i think sometimes it is the only line keeping people from drifting off.  this is why i worried for her.

"yeah calling bullshit on that. this has been the nicest community i know"

yeah, no, he's right.  i spent enough time here and enough time in THOSE CIRCLES to know that it's completely true.  past a certain point the most recognizable thing about this place was the level of cruelty and cannibalism present.  being abrasive and insulting rather than friendly and welcoming was a point of pride, even.  its tendency towards insularity and habit of being highly resistant to new blood with new ideas was in part, i think, what led to its decline.

anyway, this is dumb.  i didn't want to start an argument or resurface old worthless drama, i just wanted to know if anyone knew what became of her.  so far chef seems to be the only one who's spoken to or heard from her in the past 3 years, and that's sort of promising.  thanks, i guess.
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I think treesock is a cool name
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yeah, no, he's right.  i spent enough time here and enough time in THOSE CIRCLES to know that it's completely true.  past a certain point the most recognizable thing about this place was the level of cruelty and cannibalism present.  being abrasive and insulting rather than friendly and welcoming was a point of pride, even.  its tendency towards insularity and habit of being highly resistant to new blood with new ideas was in part, i think, what led to its decline.
this thread isn't the greatest example but I don't think that's true anymore. I think this place has really changed since around the time activity started to plummet. mongoloid (gulp) mistakes the critical thought we like to apply to everything for meanness, you can see that for yourself a few posts down in this thread if you want. it's a pretty rough read though

by egocentric I meant overestimating your effect on her, that she hadn't left and never returned because hanging out with malicious idiots isn't worthwhile or because her interests changed. I remember when I returned someone said they thought they drove me out, but in reality I was just hanging out at a teen titans fan forum and later at gaiaonline with esiann. I had no idea what they were talking about. given the back story though I understand your concern pay that comment no mind

you might have more luck on irc (I have no idea if irc people read the forums) or by contacting specific people. I'm not sure any of those guys post here anymore, I'm surprised sludgelord did he never posts

and does anyone remember that kind of slowed-down rap from a few years ago? was it called like robitussin rap or something? it might have been sort of similar to salem

edit also I don't think this meanness was at all isolated to gw, loads of internet communities are filled with assholes hence epic lulz, the premise of something awful etc

edit didn't all this start as an emulation of sa anyway
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maybe.  i honestly wouldn't know what it was like anymore, but from about the time i joined to about the time i left, it was like that.  it was a good chunk of its history.  even if it is a somewhat hospitable place now, i know rockman, for example, was around for a good bit of callous nerd-scoffing elevated to an artform.  maybe it's a case of selective memory.

note that i don't think this is in any way unique to gw, either.  what made it notable, i think, was that there was always this pretense in the community of being idk, a little bit above that sort of thing.  as in, better than 4chan, better than sa, having a concept of ethics with respects to interaction with people over the internet.  this, however, i don't think was actually the case as members would frequently engage in questionable behavior all the while maintaining some smug yet baseless sense of superiority to other communities.  whatever the line was  that people were very careful to draw between their own chatlogs and 4chan epic lulz shit, i don't think it actually existed.  it was tolerable in other communities because it was expected of them.  there was always the perception that gw had a higher standard, yet i don't think we ever actually held ourselves to it for the most part. in hindsight it was disingenuous to feign social awareness or compassion or whatever and still treat people like shit.  maybe this has changed; i don't really think it matters anymore.

p.s. teen titans and gaiaonline huh.  i see.  not judging, just surprised.  how is esiann?  do you still talk to her?  i always liked her a lot.
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there was always the perception that gw had a higher standard, yet i don't think we ever actually held ourselves to it for the most part
yeah, I'd agree with this. I've been trying to dismantle the 'gw golden age' notion for a long time now. for everything good we ever did there was tons of terrible garbage in between. had a lot of cool people though

esiann liked teen titans too. I think it had something to appreciate. and no, I haven't talked to her in a long time, not even online. she went to india for a while, which probably means she decided upon an archeology or anthropology major. not sure if she's back yet. I kinda dislike keeping track of real people online these days so that's all I know. it seems like she's doing really well
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last march esiann said that she is studying abroad in india for a semester. from what she described, i could tell that she was learning a lot. independent, doing fine.
maybe she checks the forums from time to time, maybe she doesn't.

And...  i agree with Hundley and earl. Idk this doesn't feel like ENOUGH but that was well-said about this forum, Hundley.

oh and... happy new year guys. happy new year hundley. i forgot to say this.
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that's good.  i'm glad she's doing well!  i'm glad she's NOT HERE.  if you ever talk to her again tell her i said hello and that i think she had a very affable online persona.

also, did hundley post?  i'm not hundley, if that's where you were going.
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I found out who TESTACCOUNT was. I thought Hundley first, but it turns out the truth is much darker.

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you mean he's black?
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you mean he's black?
I thought it was headphonics so uh yeah. I hope you stick around and post a little about games and salt headphones. I can understand if you don't want to though.
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Actually "much darker" wasn't meant to be a race reference. That would have been in bad taste.

edit didn't all this start as an emulation of sa anyway

All what, the pranks? GW has always been strongly influenced by SA, going back to the days when Kazeuri was first a staff member. And I've seen us accused of "wanting to be SA" on a number of other community sites in the past heh. I think it was a prevalent form of humour on the internet at the time. Some people can't see the difference between banter, pranks, and "pranks" - the latter being vindictive attacks.
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was going to say something but I forgot

I thought her Otacon obsession was stronger but like I said that's because we were working on game for a while and slowly it turned into some weird Otacon thing

shit completely unrelated but I found an old floppy disk and it has the MIDIs I made for the game. Going to post them somewhere maybe
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treesock game
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I think it used to be hundley on a shared account or something
All what, the pranks? GW has always been strongly influenced by SA, going back to the days when Kazeuri was first a staff member. And I've seen us accused of "wanting to be SA" on a number of other community sites in the past heh. I think it was a prevalent form of humour on the internet at the time. Some people can't see the difference between banter, pranks, and "pranks" - the latter being vindictive attacks.
like helldump and fashion swat
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i barely remember treesock at all. i think I was eleven years old the last time I saw her on IRC. I don't remember. if she was chased out of the community, then that's really awful. we did do some stupid things in the past.

but also: i like teen titans too and I was on gaia online for a little while. i haven't actually watched the show in a couple years.
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Teen Titans is absurd as it kinda flirted with being a really good comic but then sank into pure tedium. Kinda Like the JLA which was excellent and is now currently one of the worst comics ever published in human history.