what's peculiar about your reaction to this topic is i actually specifically told you about this almost immediately after it happened on irc and you had much the same response. it's strange that you'd forget this, but perhaps stranger still that you'd be surprised. this wasn't an isolated incident - there was pitchwhite, mdn, fatty, sir, etc. i would say this community has spent a majority of its lifetime as "absolute pricks", as you put it. i agree this is bad but am surprised that your reaction seems to be one of shock mixed with outrage. this is not a critique or a barb so don't respond to it as though it is, but i genuinely thought everyone would be familiar with the long series of PRANKS that so defined the community for a very long time.
I don't remember Treesock being forced out of the community at ALL. You spoke to me about it after it happened? I have no idea what your name used to be, which is doing no favours in helping my recollection. I'm pissed, angry and surprised because, in my mind at least, this is the first I've heard of a former friend being victimised in some way and leaving the community because of it.
And, like I said, there's a difference between jokey "ho ho, we're all pricks" and actually being pricks. I'm not claiming to be the authority on what is a prank and what isn't, but there's a huge difference between say Alexander tricking people into eating panties and someone being BULLIED OUT OF THE COMMUNITY, especially someone who people have noted "had some problems". Thus, I fail to see how the fact that the community has done douchey "pranks" in the past as being in any way related to the incident you're talking about. Maybe it's because I don't recollect what happened? Maybe because it doesn't relate? Who knows.
If this incident happened in late 2004 or early 2005 and you told me about it then I can understand why I wouldn't remember it. However, if it happened earlier then I have absolutely NO idea why you'd think you told me, being that I'm sure I would remember something like this.
PS: Look, my "insult" of pricks was not directed at you specifically. If something like this happened and you were a PART of it rather than the puppetmaster or whatever behind it, then I'm in no way singling you out as the asshole here. However, being that I don't know WHAT HAPPENED, it's hard to find someone else to apply my feelings of rage and upset to. Even though you're showing remorse for whatever happened, which is indeed admirable and shows a certain level of maturity, as this is effectively a new event to me it hasn't helped to cushion my feelings about it.
I'd say that I didn't mean to offend you or whatever, but last night when I posted I was full of such anger that I didn't give a shit either way. I just had to express my disgust and fury.
I'd really appreciate if you could PM me exactly what happened. Maybe it'll jog my memory? At the moment I'm raging about perceived things that may or may not have happened, and the events in my mind are probably way more heinous than the actuality. If you could enlighten me, I'd be appreciative.
this wasn't an isolated incident - there was pitchwhite, mdn, fatty, sir, etc.
I have no idea who these people are. Like I remember the name of pitchwhite and fatty, and I remember being in MAKING THE CUT with MasterDarkNinja, but other than that I have absolutely no clue. Treesock was someone I actually cared about, hence why this incident has ired me hugely moreso than whatever happened to those guys. It's personal, I'll absolutely admit, but I'm not going to apply cold logic when it comes to someone I cared about.
yeah I thought it seemed kind of egocentric but then again I dunno how bad she was net bullied
[/size][/size]That's exactly what I'm trying to find out.