God all these tumblrs are breaking my brain, maybe not as bad as bonzi_buddy but still. I kinda ignored this thread for the longest time because I didn't really get it, I sort of dismissed it and rolled my eyes. But then I started reading it more and connecting the dots... I still have trouble wrapping my head around exactly what goes on in this thread, but I Want To Know More.
I wonder in what other communities this kind of fixation on the ludicrous minutia of techno-babble thrives at? It's like this insidious brain parasite has wormed into our collective consciousness from decades of exposure to appropriated pop synths, flickering CRT tubes and the most narcissistic consumer culture in the history of the human race (a culture that literally wants to make you hate yourself so that it can sell you fake happiness). I feel like we're all trying to put our brains under a microscope, poking and prodding it with different digital stimuli in a vain attempt to figure out how bad the damage is to our psyches. Does that make any sense? I don't even know any more.
PS for some reason I really love this image from noirlac in particular:
There's something so timeless and iconic about it, like this could be an image representing literally any time period in Japan from the last 70 years, it would fit perfectly into any visual media produced from the country during that time period. It's the perfect amalgamation of the country's social and creative identity in a way.