Ragnar you ever feel strongly that S.H.A.D.O.W.M.O.S.E.S. needs to become D.E.E.P.M.O.S.E.S.? I'm asking your powerful associative mind-EDIT: my god, so of course EDM guy would have that moniker, my associative mind probably predicted that-
then it struck me that !!! wait a minute!!! moses isn't a plural of some weird strike of english humour or weirdo oldish moniker...
but ohhh SHiiiiiiiiittt iiiiit's Moooses from biiiiiiiible ahhahha. GOD. i'm the worst. *sudendly looks paranoid and panickely around* i didn't mean that LITERALLY, god!!
but my dumbtopic-Me refuses this, so of COURSE it's a plural of, idk maybe isles or whatever. it only makes sense. it's only reasonable. why must you be so WEIRD? it's like fighting against WINDMILLS...
why would MGS have islands that attach "shadow" and "moses" together?? it MUST be.
A "mose" or a "mousley" (spelled closer to "mosely" than "mouse") is probably some kind of french-influenced isle or whatever land-water geo formation or whatever. it totally makes sense. so "moses" is just a plural form of that. 'ey, gimme some more moses, i need another pair. that's a formation of moses, forming a perfect circle. etc.
you "engs" are soooo weird!!!
EDIT: another wordplay that confused me as a kid was UFO: Terror from the Deep.
Deep... deep of what?? Depth of what?? ...wait, so like... DEEPness can have something monstrous in it?? *kid bonzi looks paranoidically/fearfully and respectfully at N64 textures, maybe there's something... inside that representation of a N64 texture??*
so yeah it's kinda cool how a simple name can associatively have so much imaginative power. so your brain sort of automatically greate the required associations to the words. so instead of saying "terror from the depths of water" or "space" or whatever, it's just from deep and somehow that's way more powerful and terrifying than idk god, cthulhu or whatever?? not because it's cool or whatever but because you legit are forced to use imagination and lord that shit is POTENT *rises up and looks into the mess in the toilet respectfully* you know the bag somebody gives you with cthulhu and it's kinda rote and pre-packaged, and you know you are supposed to feel or behave in certain way. but this one's the real deal...
because your mind runs amok and intuitively probably understand what it truly means to have something big coming from the depths or from deepness. it's fucking weird, but good and soothing, but also gives you mixed, conflicted feelings of SEXUALITY and closeted- whoops erm huuuh HAAH *redfaced, how did we end up THERE all of sudden*
jokes aside. it's bit like a word or meaning-equilevant or word interpretation equilevant of eg. music wise hearing something really raw powerful and terrifying... or graphically it's like those zelda comics with brooding, mysterious, humbling, non-explainable environments. something more powerful is being conveyd.
it's bit like what we've talked about dumb topic in large part being about the failure on part of media creator and the result ends up being something different and possibly powerful instead. it's about experiencing finest of the details and hues, that the creator didn't intend in the first place.
eg. the classic dilemma of NES music creator... intents cheesy jazz fusion sonatas, that end up really weird, harrowing and powerful instead as outcome product due to mistaken or mangled-up representation.
classic anti-dumb topic example is (often) a hipster ironic or semi-serious pastiches of eg chill wave etc, because you know EXACTLY the bag you are getting.
it's like wishy-washy, kinda pathetic perma-kid, who can't express itself or stand up to itself, who doesn't know or cannot say WHAT it is or wants. or what it is ABOUT. and most of all: is terrified to death of seeming embarrassing or weird... the fear of rejection and having lack of social value. that kinda thing. and it's fucking pathetic. it can't stand it's own uniqueness and individuality and thus rejects itself, and you can smell that stench miles away.
worst of all, the hues are mostly lost... it's bit like the128kpbs mp3 compression, where everything starts to sound the same, compressed, digital, washed out.
you are left only with the big shock value-punches and big motifs and that's about it. and then you try to please and squeeze on top of it. lol.
anyways point is that with symbolism and motif-centered art, you get exactly what you are being told. with outcome and energy-centered art, you get the end result (tons of small details forming a complex emotions or big picture). fluorescence. so most likely, that's behind the art of word associations or the play on words. it's the fuckery and drudgery of giving out curiously stripped and very specific expressions... so you could say, it's the art of meanings behind words and expressions, what is being exactly expressed, and the surprise or surprising combination of ideas. Shadow/Deep/Bloodmoses makes us laugh, because of the element of surprise and laughability of the intention of those said words and the failure to achieve the effect... but also instinctive knowledge on where it should be being used, both cultural category-wise but especially associatively (=instinctively/what the outcome actually reflects in it's effect). there's many ways to skin this beautiful piece of pussy, it seems... there, i said it. boom.