Topic: Input on this movement engine (Read 301 times)

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I'm having a disagreement with PixelRebirth regarding this engine that he's programming.

For one, I think the arrow should go in a straight line before arching, and the other thing is that I believe the controls should be flipped so that the jumping button is the outer one and the attack button is the inner one. I don't know if I'm crazy, but I've always thought that the jumping action should always be the outermost key on a control pad or a keyboard, but maybe that's just me.

Why don't you guys give us your input?

Jump with C and shoot with X.
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Your idea with the arrow would be good, but only if there's some sort of aiming added too, imo

Also, controls should have a default and be free to be chosen by the player, so the second thing is kinda redundant
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I usually prefer Z for jumping and X for shooting. is this going to be a knight baggy game :O
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I second Z for jump and X for shoot.
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Z and X probably the best choice. i hope your arrow keys are going to be cross-compatible with the numpad
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I like how the arrows currently enforce this idea of minimum range - you're not going to be trying to hit an enemy with an arrow when they're in melee range. That said, having some kind of dagger or other quick melee attack would be very nice.
I feel like the jump/attack keys should be reversed as well. The best possible choice, though, would be to have customizable controls.
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So you're asking for INPUT on your INPUT????

(I am making this post just because I didn't think of this pun when I posted for real so y'all can just SUCK IT)
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- z/x better for jumping, shooting respectively
- arrow thing charges too slow
- jumping motion feels entirely wrong, since mario usually gets it right here's a dorky analysis as a starting point
- a slight period of acceleration at the start (and end?) of movement typically feels smoother
- other attention to detail stuff, idk, haven't written a platformer since i was like 15 and the one i wrote then sucked
- crashed my statusbar when i ran it in wine on account of Microsoft Mystery Meat, also sometimes input fails entirely on start up due to some focus issue, in conclusion fuck xna