Topic: Customer service (Read 431 times)

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God, i hate shitty customer service, i understand that many in the CS industry work long hours for shitty pay, but that doesn't excuse them for being either patronising or insulting. Most of the time they have these shity boilerplate replies that often cause it to take longer to get the help you want or often no help at all; i get that those replies are suposed to speed things up but do they have to be written in such a condecending manor(sp?).
My steam acount was randomly disabled, so whent through there process to get it re-activated and changed the pass.
During which i asked no less then three times why it was disabled, it wasn't untill i asked a second time did they answer; said answer made me ask again, why it was disabled, please note said answer

Hello Martin,
 Your account was disabled for security purposes.
 If you have any further questions, please let us know - we will be happy to assist you.

How agrivatingly precise but completly vauge, it tells us as exactly as possible that the reason why it was shut down was becuase of a security issue, it's vauge becuase it doesn't tell me what kind. I would very much like to know what kind of security issue it was so i can make some attempt at not letting it happen again.

SO what are your memories when dealining with poor CS in the past?

p.s. please note, i said poor CS, i'm not saying all CS is bad, so far i have yet to see better CS then that from the CS team of EVE online.
RIP DoktorMartini

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Just minecraft

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If you want to talk about bad costumer service, I used to play Runescape. It's a terrible experience trying to get any sort of costumer service through JaGex because they have canned replies for literally everything (bonus note: it's pretty well known that writing EAT A CHODE JAGEX in your ban appeal or the like will still result in a successful appeal).
 Also, speaking of Minecraft. I used a prepaid credit card to purchase it (don't like using my credit card for online purchases) and ended up getting charged for 4 declined purchases and according to the t&c on the card I have to contact the company to rectify this but unfortunately whatever billing department Mojang could conceivably have doesn't give a shit apparently. Oh well.

TL;DR miencraft just mincraft
How about no!? You are an idiotic version of a baboon.
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Wasn't sure what kind of customer service you were talking about. If you're talking about it in general, try working as a customer service person (at a retail chain, like where I work).

The reason I often seem uninspired or pissed off is because almost all customer's are fucking assholes who don't give a shit about rules or the proper course of action. For instance, I was working checkout duty. This guy came up and said "Hey, can I return this thing" I told him that he couldn't, and that the only counter that can do returns was over by the front door. He walked off in a huff and said "I guess that's in the too hard basket then" as if I just couldn't be bothered doing it. It didn't occur to him that I was actually incapable of doing a refund at my counter.

So I was fucked off when the next customer came through. Most people treat us like shit despite the fact that there is a procedure to everything.
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I think it's more along the lines of "I DONT CARE IF YOU CANT DO IT DO IT ANYWAYS MY SITUATION IS UNIQUE". It doesn't occur to them that they aren't the only person who came in today with the exact same problem.
How about no!? You are an idiotic version of a baboon.
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I'm being specfic to Game Customer service, in person CS is a diferant thing since your face to face and an asshole can directly rag on you. But online CS like this is diferant since they don't bother to add a personal thing to it, i realise that there seing to a lot of people and so don't have time to write out a reply (hence boiler plait reply) but they still shouldn't be so patronising, i mean is it really so hard to reply in one post, we have changed your pass word, change your password, the reason we blocked your acount was <insert reason>, that would be so much faster then hacing about 3-4 replies.
RIP DoktorMartini

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They're not TRYING to be passive aggressive. The idea is to be nice but straightforward to avoid having to directly interact with people due to the volume of replies they probably send out per day.
How about no!? You are an idiotic version of a baboon.
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They're not TRYING to be passive aggressive. The idea is to be nice but straightforward to avoid having to directly interact with people due to the volume of replies they probably send out per day.
i realise that there seing to a lot of people and so don't have time to write out a reply (hence boiler plait reply)
before replying, please make sure to read and understand what has been written.

have a nice day.
RIP DoktorMartini

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it's insanely infrequent that i ever need to use customer service or tech support. i think i've only ever used it with my ISP. i always have good experiences doing that because i actually have more than a basic understanding of computers and they usually seem somewhat refreshed to be speaking with somebody who knows how things work.

seriously terrible job to have though. i could never do it. there's a tech support branch of my work and my boss offered me a spot there once since my branch kinda ran out of work. after i told him a little about myself and how i deal with people over the phone, he quickly rescinded the offer and told me that he didn't want me doing any tech support.

this has exhausted my worthless tech support anecdotes. i will endeavor to get better ones in the future.
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I'm being specfic to Game Customer service, in person CS is a diferant thing since your face to face and an asshole can directly rag on you. But online CS like this is diferant since they don't bother to add a personal thing to it, i realise that there seing to a lot of people and so don't have time to write out a reply (hence boiler plait reply) but they still shouldn't be so patronising, i mean is it really so hard to reply in one post, we have changed your pass word, change your password, the reason we blocked your acount was <insert reason>, that would be so much faster then hacing about 3-4 replies.
They probably don't like their jobs very much and feel like they don't owe you shit. They can be as patronizing as they want and they won't lose a wink of sleep over it because you'll never exist to them. You can either accept the fact that you're not the center of the universe and deal with the situation accordingly, or you can get all bent out of shape and post on the internet about it.