whoa what an indulgent topic!! but i always like seeing weird old kiddrawings [kinderzeichnungen] and i found an old notebook full of old cartoons from when i was around four(?? it's dated 1993 anyway) so post em if u got em
power ranger
i remember drawing lots of people on skateboards. also baseball caps and tshirts that said RAP on them. i have no idea why.
a batman and a bat
i think the left one is the power rangers t-rex mecha (driven by red ranger). the left is an early version of MONSTER RAP i guess.
power ranger fight scene and uh idk maybe some kind of religious thing
portrait of the artist as a young mummy
i think the one on the left is a GHOSTBUSTERS reference. i remember filling copybooks with pictures of ghostbusters trapping monsters in a triangular beam from that little box thing they used to capture the ghosts. there is also what looks like a dick sprouting from the ground. idk whats with the head.