created in just four hours for a Poppenkast competition, Zeldalike RPG 'Bat Castle' had much more potential potential then four hours could ever allow realization. So I have spent this past week finishing what I started. I haven't gone into work, I haven't gone to class, I've just been working on Batt Castle. I haven't left the studio this entire week.
Honestly I am glad to be done with this project. I've been feeling extremely uneasy ever since I started on Bat Cassle. Just an intense dread standing over me, 24/7. I haven't been able to enjoy doing anything else since I first created the file. Trying to sleep was ridiculous - I felt like a little kid, scared of the dark. The game just has such a dismal aura. I don't know if this is because of how I felt or I felt that way from working on the game. Either way it has been hell. Sorry, just needed to vent some.
But that's all over. Testers are finding the final bugs as I type this and the file should be available for download later tonight/tomorrow morning. Personally I won't be sticking around for it, I've got plenty of sleep to catch up on! :coffee:
The indie hit Zeldalike TRUE ART GAME "Bat Castle'.
Join Beefmaster Bosser, Mona Lisa, and Fust on a journey of romance, revenge, and maybe redemption. But what is the agenda of the powerful and mysterious Babbt?
Alex Porter (aka im9today) has endeavored through RPG Maker game Bat Cassle to present a counter to the capitalist stereotype of typical RPG Maker games with their dragons and swords and whatnot. Constantly defying expectations, Battle Cattle is a true innovator in the field of homemade video experiences.

SAVE OFTEN AND IN MULTIPLE SLOTSHere it is, testers have assured me it is glitch free:
4 hours, 7 days, 1 castle: MIRRORS COMING SOON
also i probably won't be able to check this topic since saltw never loads unless i use a proxy