News How do you feel now that Osama Bin Laden is gone? (Read 3107 times)

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 nope nevermind I thought it read thats what they did.

hrmmm. I dunno how the hell burial at sea works other than casting off ashes. I bet they put it on an island out there and kept it secret though that seems like the smartest way to do it.

Quote from: Muslim burial at sea
The sacred texts of Islam prefer burial on land, "so deep that its smell does not come out and the beasts of prey do not dig it out". However, if a person dies at sea and it is not possible to bring the body back to land before decay, or if burial at land becomes impossible, burial at sea is allowed. A weight is tied to the feet of the body, and the body is lowered into the water. This would preferably occur in an area where the remains are not immediately eaten by scavengers. Also, if an enemy may dig up the grave to mutilate the body, it is also allowed to bury the deceased at sea to avoid mutilation.

nope, I didn't know the weight to leg thing actually worked. I thought it might fall off after decomposition and leave the body floating.
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Don't sharks eat shit in the sea? Or do they avoid corpses? Some of the people in TITANIC got eaten by sharks I think, but I have no idea if that was before or after corpsification.

I was a little sad that Osama didn't get a trial. I mean, even senior Nazis like Goering got trials at Nuremburg. It was always certain he (Goering) was going to be found guilty and executed, but a trial is still pretty important in a civilised society.
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Symbolically? Cool. Will affect my life on a personal and emotional level? no lol.

I was a little sad that Osama didn't get a trial. I mean, even senior Nazis like Goering got trials at Nuremburg. It was always certain he (Goering) was going to be found guilty and executed, but a trial is still pretty important in a civilised society.

My dad used to tell me that people who speed on the highway should have a fair trial and then executed. I was ~7, didn't get the sarcasm until ~12. :o

Oh, and I agree. Plus a trial would have been infinitely more badass to watch than choppy "this might be him" videos.
what's updog?
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"I have never wished a man's death, but I have smiled at some obituaries with great pleasure" - Mark Twain

got no problem that osama is dead, he was an awful person and the world is a better place without him
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Bin laden never surrendered
Play Raimond Ex (if you haven't already)

I'll not TAKE ANYTHING you write like this seriously because it looks dumb
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I was typing my reply until I saw Dada's, exactly my thoughts.
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Bin laden never surrendered
Nor did a lot of other horrible people.

However, the only way this will really make me happy is if this action will reduce the number of people dying overall. I imagine it will. but I'm unsure.
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who gives a shit

i'm still bummed ted kaczynski hasn't busted out of jail and dissolved modern society

a trial is still pretty important in a civilised society.
what is this civilised society that sounds unamerican i don't think civilised society is one of the figures on the FBI most wanted list.
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a trial is still pretty important in a civilised society.
lol if you think we live under anything but some of the most barbaric states in history.
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a civilised society is one where everyone eats with a knife and fork like proper adults. we wear socks ant take off our shoes because the carpet is new. after dinner, we use cake forks. but not to stir our tea. justice is done from the living room unto our enemies.

also osama special america america

also (it's rap)

also i guess obama gon get reelected.
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i feel like writing a song about 9/11/11
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Just as electing Barack ended racism so too shall the death of Osama end Terrorism.
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Well the most important rule of a civilised society is the RULE OF LAW I think. The shoes and shirt are just additions to this.
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Well the most important rule of a civilised society is the RULE OF LAW I think. The shoes and shirt are just additions to this.
That's remarkably naive dude.

These wars started with little to no justification, set in motion the entire military-industrial-complex of the largest empire in history and sole-superpower, murdered thousands of innocent people, involved some pretty egregious crimes against humanity as well as complete disregard for international law. Don't you think it's a little more than absurd to be concerned about the US not upholding liberal ideals of rule of law amidst a complete breakdown of civil society?
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sadam's trial was an example of human accomplishment
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Yeah, whatever happened to that cop? I saw this video ages ago and I haven't heard anything about this. No news is probably bad news.
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story of the homosexual serial killer who got a victim released back into his custody by gay-hating police who were later lauded and promoted for their service that I can't find now and wouldn't post anyway because you shouldn't look into serial killers
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I remember that too, if I recall right they went on to get promoted and are still on active duty today.
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Yeah, whatever happened to that cop? I saw this video ages ago and I haven't heard anything about this. No news is probably bad news.