As far as I know, it doesn't have a more precise term, which is why I used the name of the thread. I would say that it is a
phenomenological investigation of the things that feel strange in videogames. More in the way that archaeology and architecture do it than other disciplines. It's within a subculture at sw that celebrates dissonant experiences. I think it currently lives
here. I'm not really a contributor, but I find the whole thing interesting.
The reason I think that this is the foremost and best work of spacechat is that it's a very good imitation of Final Fantasy 7 from within a completely different platform and development style. It asks us to think about the differences between it and FF7, and the result is that we end up thinking about the strange and confusing aspects of both. For example, I got massively lost in the first level of FF7 and this one part of it seemed like an endless inescapable corridor. I was afraid it might be the whole game. Fighting soldiers forever in a sewer. That can't be replicated in an RPG maker game easily, especially without knowing that I had the experience in the first place. Because this is such an accurate remake, it's these thoughts that come to mind. in a worse remake, we might notice a lot of mistakes and inconsistencies in the content. If you continue at this kind of accuracy, then the only differences will be extremely interesting points about what Final Fantasy 7 really
is. It's only made possible by your hard work to make the best possible FF7 remake. That's what I think, anyway.