Topic: Final Fantasy VII: 2D Remake - Proof of Concept Demo (Read 2773 times)

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I wasn't being serious.

But now I am.  Please do that.
Quote from: UPRC
Make Don Corneo an optional character to recruit. His limit break can be a pelvic thrust.
Sadly, I think that Don Corneo's sexuality pretty much limits the effectiviness of his limit break, because I don't think there are many female enemies in FF7.
 Urgh, I just got a sick mental image of Don Corneo attempting to rape Jenova.
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Dunno if I missed something saying this already, but I find that the battles tend to freeze if the ATB is set to Active (something I tend to do on instinct as soon as I start this game; 'tis how I found out.) Beyond that, very nice.
Yeah so SpoonyBard eventually did a new Final Fallacy game.
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i have two things to say about this game:

1. i feel that this game conveyed to me better than any other game made by anyone on gw ever, the ideas of spacechat. when i was playing it, the main differences that I noticed were that the feelings of strangeness and confusion that i experienced when playing the original FF7 were replaced with the ones I usually feel when playing rpg maker games. aside from that, it was a near-perfect imitation. because of this difference, I can now see what FF7 'feels' like aside from the content and the literal plot. it's pretty remarkable. also i'm not sure if the demo is supposed to end after you get to that green gate-like bit but i got up to there and then i didn't know what to do next because i think the teleports were missing. anyway despite the fact that i know you didn't intend me to experience it the way i did, I think that this makes it a really interesting work of art that has bee facilitated by all your hard work. so thanks for putting the effort in.

2. the music is mixed too high and the sound effects are mixed too low. listen to the way it's mixed in the original and adjust the volume. 2:56 onwards.
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Dunno if I missed something saying this already, but I find that the battles tend to freeze if the ATB is set to Active (something I tend to do on instinct as soon as I start this game; 'tis how I found out.) Beyond that, very nice.
You're the first one to point this out! I was able to reproduce the bug and it seems I'd forgot to define the active setting in an event I made responsible for activating the ATB once the battle started. Its all fixed now, thanks!

i have two things to say about this game:

1. i feel that this game conveyed to me better than any other game made by anyone on gw ever, the ideas of spacechat. when i was playing it, the main differences that I noticed were that the feelings of strangeness and confusion that i experienced when playing the original FF7 were replaced with the ones I usually feel when playing rpg maker games. aside from that, it was a near-perfect imitation. because of this difference, I can now see what FF7 'feels' like aside from the content and the literal plot. it's pretty remarkable. also i'm not sure if the demo is supposed to end after you get to that green gate-like bit but i got up to there and then i didn't know what to do next because i think the teleports were missing. anyway despite the fact that i know you didn't intend me to experience it the way i did, I think that this makes it a really interesting work of art that has bee facilitated by all your hard work. so thanks for putting the effort in.

2. the music is mixed too high and the sound effects are mixed too low. listen to the way it's mixed in the original and adjust the volume. 2:56 onwards.
I appreciate your feedback, but honestly I'm not entirely sure what your feedback is! Whats spacechat? What strangeness and confusion did you notice between FF7/rm games? And yeah, the demo was only two areas so you can't progress through the green gate (I'm starting to think I should've left a sign there or something, a lot of people have said this despite the OP saying theres only two areas).

As for the sound thats definitely something I'll need to look into, thanks!
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
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Neither of the links work. Takes me to "http://"http//". If I remove all the quotes and extra bits:

I end up on Wikipedia:

A Google search over to has this working link:

Looks like there's no " : " after http.

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Fixed the link. :) For some reason the saltw forums messes with the url if I already have the http:// in there, but after taking it out when I use the url tag it seems to do it properly.
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
work with"
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i remember being pretty vocal about you not doing this but i don't really feel that way anymore, keep on doing what you're doing because it's pretty interesting to watch it unfold

I appreciate your feedback, but honestly I'm not entirely sure what your feedback is! Whats spacechat?
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Quote from: John Lennon
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This is fantastic, and a technical masterpiece as far as RPG Maker goes. Good shit, good shit.
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Thanks for the link, Pasty. I read a bit of that thread and while I kind of get spacechat (does it have a real term?), I couldn't actually work out if this is a good or bad example of spacechat!
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
work with"
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As far as I know, it doesn't have a more precise term, which is why I used the name of the thread. I would say that it is a phenomenological investigation of the things that feel strange in videogames. More in the way that archaeology and architecture do it than other disciplines.  It's within a subculture at sw that celebrates dissonant experiences. I think it currently lives here. I'm not really a contributor, but I find the whole thing interesting.

The reason I think that this is the foremost and best work of spacechat is that it's a very good imitation of Final Fantasy 7 from within a completely different platform and development style. It asks us to think about the differences between it and FF7, and the result is that we end up thinking about the strange and confusing aspects of both. For example, I got massively lost in the first level of FF7 and this one part of it seemed like an endless inescapable corridor. I was afraid it might be the whole game. Fighting soldiers forever in a sewer. That can't be replicated in an RPG maker game easily, especially without knowing that I had the experience in the first place. Because this is such an accurate remake, it's these thoughts that come to mind. in a worse remake, we might notice a lot of mistakes and inconsistencies in the content. If you continue at this kind of accuracy, then the only differences will be extremely interesting points about what Final Fantasy 7 really is. It's only made possible by your hard work to make the best possible FF7 remake. That's what I think, anyway.
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I'm really glad you bring this up, because its been one of my goals from the outset of this project. If you dug up my original announcement post from ~3 years ago I talk about getting to see the game from a different perspective, same but different, but at the time a lot of people didn't really seem to get it (I know its petty for game designers to say people don't 'get' their games, but in this case I think its true, atleast when they were just looking at it on paper). However, after releasing this public demo I've found that in most of the threads I've posted on various forums that people have started to notice this trait and really like it (someone in a different forum refered to it as making this game count as art).

Thanks again for your feedback, Biggles! I'll continue to remake the game is an accurate fashion as possible, and it'll be interesting to see if this effect is amplified after longer exposure/immersion.
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
work with"
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Yeah I agree that it justifies it as art. I don't think that things really need to have special justification to be works of art but it justifies it as art I find interesting.
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This is really cool so far! It can't have been easy to painstakingly recreate all the scenes with blocking and everything, not to mention the custom systems. What did you use as a reference, did you play FF7 on a console or emulator while working?

Speaking of custom systems, good luck on the Golden Saucer, I expect that'll take a hell of a lot of ingenuity to pull off satisfactorily in RM.
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For visual references and the menu I mainly just had to study the game in an emulator to work out all the use cases. The battle system was a little harder though. The demo battle system may look simple because there's not many abilities or enemies, but its actually a full implementation of the FF7 battle system down to every last algorithm (there's various guides on that document these, and I also inquired at to fill in the gaps, as well as some of my own investigations). I also studied quite a few walkthroughs and player guides to make sure that all the especially weird emergent use cases worked too. :)
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
work with"
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Small update, about 80% done. :)
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
work with"
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This looks beyond amazing.  I really appreciate the painstaking attention to detail, particularly the animation.  I hope you see it through because I would gladly play a full-scale remake.  Kudos to you and your amazing ambition and work ethic!
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Pretty cool. Hope you can finish this!
As soon as I switched to Active and entered a battle the game froze.
Also you should make the walk speed faster or have a run option.
I liked the option of pressing shift to see the exits and Cloud's location.
Graphics are nice. Once the MP3s are in you should make it default to mp3.
I don't know anybody in their right mind who would prefer midi :)
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Small update, about 80% done. :)
80% system-wise??
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@nickmasterx: The Active thing was a pretty silly bug on my part, fixed!

Also I will not be increasing the run speed. FF72DR is built on a different scale to regular RPG Maker games - in most rm games the maps are really big and spacious and if the character doesn't zoom around it takes too long to get anywhere and feels slow. The difference here is that the FF72DR maps are not big and spacious, and I've scaled them so that you cover about the same distance as you do in the original at Cloud's running speed. If you moved any faster it'd be too fast, and you'd go through the game too quickly. After a while you get used to it, you're just to used to zooming around in regular rm games!
"the way you speak about rm2k3, like "modules, arrays, pointers" sounds like
you're some badass c++ programmer stuck in the past and only has rm2k3 to
work with"