I need some advice. The original idea was to make a starship based on a squid, where it would have tenticles that could graple a ship and hold it whilst i's OP plasma weapon in it's beak could fill it's target with molten plasma. However as i finished the rear end I realised that it wouldn't work, it didn't have a heavy enough feel for it; but instead of mothballing what I had, I decided to turn it into an airship and use it for a differant scene. Now here's the thing, should I or shouldn't I put guns on it. The final scene is a city with gleaming white edifices and a few air ships hanging over it. The ski to one side will be a clear day the other a torm casting a shadow.
Think utilitarian as the theme.
I want some advice before I take it to Mudbox and add detailing, since you want to finish adding major geometry before taking it to a sculpting program like mudbox or Zbrush.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v323/rpgjaguar/Airship.pngalso should I add something over the pipes to the rear engines? I dunno I kinda like it as it is but at the same time it feels kinda lacking.
p.s. The ships main colour Will be white with teal or light blue glowy
EDIT: after some thought, i think i'll ditch the pipes and move the engine boosters into the tale itself, i think the shape will not only flow better but it won't be obscured by the pipes or the engine boosters, i'll post the update when i do it (probebly not for a few days, moving out of my current place)
EDIT: for those that have paid any attention at all, I've decided to include guns but only on the underside.