one was called Gassy Choose Your Own Adventure Weirdo and you play some guy from the moon who farts a lot and his arch-rival is some guy just called Nerdy Guy who makes evil robots to conquer the world or something. He also lives in a castle probably only because I wanted to make some more traditional RPG graphics at the time. I was really OCD about menus and trying to eliminate the RPG Maker 'feel' from the game and had all these ridiculous ideas for feature like game play time counter and not just a day/night system but also a day of the week system, where stores would be closed and stuff. Basically I was halfway done to reverse-engineering the Dragon Warrior menu system. I did have an Ika game that was same sort of idea but there's really nothing completed after enthusiasm about 8-directional movement and variable-width text wore off. There was some battle visualizations that were kind of trippy as fuck though, I had a lot of fun with ika's graphic engine in that way kind of hybrid RPG/fighting game I wanted to do but lost interest. Has some of that SNES fighting game enthusiasm about urban spaces and their potential for dramatic fight scenes
both of these are based off of characters I made up as a little kid
I would recommend playing this stuff in the Test Mode. Also for some reason teleports teleport you into trees and water and stuff in Gassy Choose Your Own Adventure Weirdo so you need the No Clipping in Test Mode where you hold down ctrl. Also you need to set Switch 1003 to ON or you can't explore the town.