Adventures of MISTER BIG T 1 review
A harrowing tale of love, hate, political intrigue, incest, and all that good stuff. Actually, it was over in 3 minutes or so. Basically, dragon gets poisoned, end of story. TO BE CONTINUED!
You left out how main character was a world destorying lunatic and wants to destroy the world, but that's okay. I hope it at least was somewhat funny.
Adventures of MISTER BIG T 2 review
A tale of friendship between two outcasts: an evil dragon and a hermaphrodite who yearns for love... or sex... one of those two. I hit a bug, you fight death over and over again with no end.
That's not a bug... Actually death even makes fun of it saying "You shouldn't kill me and show off how shitty our beta testing was."
While I perceive sex and love as two different things (I love my turtle, but I'm not having sex with her), the two indeed shared both mental as well as physical link. It is what made the whole relationship between the two work plus made most of the character of Jessie fun and enjoyable secret love interest. (Secret to everyone, especially for MBT. Even though he joked around and did seemingly not care about her for having something extra, it's clear throughout that the more they spend time with, he's starting to accept her for what she is, much like she is accepting how different he is. The drama is certainly there but I don't really force it down one's throat as still, it's a comedy game)
Seriously, you make the most disgusting shit I've ever seen in a game
I agree wholeheartily.
However, how awesome that can be viewed as depends on the person and their taste on what they perceive as awesome. While for majority, my games do cross the line of good taste, they always have home at hearts of people into dark humor or jokes that are a bit more twisted. Plus, while you may think so, not all my games are disturbing. This game for instance, is very light hearted and makes even potentially extremely disturbing things work because of the humor.